项目名称: 石墨烯特异介质表面对电磁波的动态调控
项目编号: No.11474057
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 周磊
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 100万元
中文摘要: 电磁特异介质因其对电磁波的强大调控能力,引发了国际上的研究热潮。基于常规金属构建的特异介质在取得巨大成就的同时也碰到了发展的瓶颈:人工原子的亚波长性难以保证和体系的动态可调性差。石墨烯具有动态可调的等离激元共振和超亚波长的光学响应,因而成为解决上述问题的理想材料,石墨烯特异介质也逐渐成为特异介质研究的一大热点。申请人拟利用自身多年来在特异介质研究方面的工作积累,通过与在石墨烯领域作出重大贡献的合作者的密切合作,结合理论、模拟、制备和实验,研究石墨烯特异介质表面对电磁波的动态高效的调控。为此我们将由简入繁地开展如下研究:1)将整片无结构的石墨烯与特异介质表面相结合,探索其对电磁波动态调控的机理及应用;2)将刻有微结构的石墨烯与特异介质相结合,研究两种等离激元之间的耦合机理及应用;3)面对实际应用需求,基于上述两部分研究结果,设计并实现部分动态可调的太赫兹器件雏形。
中文关键词: 电磁特异介质表面;石墨烯;电磁波动态调控;表面等离激元;光和物质相互作用
英文摘要: Metamaterials (MTM) have been extensively studied due to their stronger abilities to manipulate EM waves, and great achievements were obtained. However, MTM research meets bottelneck recently, since the meta-atoms constructred with traditional metals exhibit poor tunability and can not be deep-subwavelength. Graphenen can be a good candidate to solve the above two issues, since it has tunable surface plasmon properties and deep-subwavelength responses. Consequencetly, graphene-based MTM is becoming a hot topic in MTM field. Based on our past excellent accumulations on MTMs and metasurfaces, and in collaboration with in-campus expert in graphene field, we propose here to study the physical properties of graphene-based MTSs and their active manipulations on EM waves, through combining theory, numerical simulation, micro and nano fabrications and experimental characterizations. To this end, we plan to conduct the following three parts of research: 1) Combining meta-surfaces with a continuous and unstructured graphene layer to realize active and efficient controls on EM waves; 2) Studing the couplings effects and physical applications of coupled systems combining a structured graphene and a meta-surface; 3) Based on the above two parts of research, designing and fabricating certain THz devices to experimentally realize ative manipulations on THz waves.
英文关键词: Meta-surfaces;Graphene;Active Control on EM Waves;Surface plasmonic polariton;Light-matter interactions