项目名称: 石墨表面多齿配体与锌、钴离子原位配位过程的STM研究
项目编号: No.21473247
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 袁群惠
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 利用STM技术在表界面上开展功能分子自组装结构调控、原位化学反应和动力学过程研究是界面研究的热点之一。到目前为止,虽然关于功能性金属配合物超分子的表面二维自组装体系的STM研究已有不少,但对于在原位配位作用驱动下形成的表面自组装体系的研究还少有报道,而且大多集中在超高真空的理想环境中。本项目将借助申请人在利用扫描隧道显微术和自组装方法在二维组装结构构筑及化学反应等研究中积累的经验,探测含有端基二羧酸根、多联吡啶基团的多齿配体在高定向热解石墨表面上的自组装行为及其与二价锌、钴离子的原位配位过程和动力学行为。通过对于此类原位配位化学过程的具体表现与其影响因素的分析,总结和理解其中涉及的分子间相互作用的规律,并揭示表界面上配体与其配合物分子自组装行间的异同。该研究有望丰富关于表界面上以配体分子为结构基元、配位作用为驱动力的自组装过程的知识,推进表界面自组装阵列结构与实际应用间联系的建立。
中文关键词: 高定向热解石墨;多齿配体;原位配位;扫描隧道显微术;分子自组装
英文摘要: The study on the manipulation of the self-assembled structure of functional molecules, their in-situ reaction and other dynamic process at surfaces/interfaces via STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy) is one of the hotspots in surface science. So far there are quite some studies on surface assembly of metal-ligand coordinated supramolecules via STM. However, the reports on surface assembly driven by in situ metal-ligand coordination is relatively rare, and mostly focused on ideal environment like ultra high vacuum condition. Herein, based on our previous experience on the construction and manipulation of surface/interface self-assembly, as well as the investigation of electrochemical reactions with STM and self-assembly method, we plan to study the self-assembling behavior of polydentate ligands containing dicarboxyl or poly-pyridine groups on the highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces, the in situ metal-ligand coordination between these ligands and Zn(II) or Co(II) ions, as well as other dynamic behaviors. With the analysis on the factors that affect the in situ coordination behavior of ligands, we hope to understand the molecular interactions involved, and the difference of the assembly properties between ligands and their metal coordinated complexes. This project is expected to achieve more information on surface assembly driven by in situ metal-ligand coordination with ligand as building blocks, and befit the establishment of the relationships between the self-assembled structures and the applications.
英文关键词: HOPG-Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite;polydentate ligand;in-situ coordination;STM-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy;molecualr self-assembly