项目名称: 脂类物质于超临界流体中晶体成核、生长与固液气三相平衡
项目编号: No.20876127
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 武器工业
项目作者: 李军
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 32万元
中文摘要: 以超临界流体技术对脂类物质进行微纳米化和微胶囊化为背景,研究它们及其混合物在超临界流体中的结晶动力学和结晶热力学。以高压固液气(SLG)三相平衡的研究为主线,提出初、终点熔点观测法,并建立相应的实验装置,来获取双组分固体体系于超临界二氧化碳中的SLG数据;提出改进的LCVM方法来预测单组分在超临界流体中SLG平衡数据,并将之拓展到双组分混合物在超临界流体中SLG三相平衡数据的预测;以此为基础,系统研究制备了一些体系的复合颗粒,并拓展研究了非室温离子液体在超临界流体中SLG平衡。以高压下晶体成核和生长的研究为目标,建立了基于SLG数据为基础的高压下晶体成核和生长的研究方法和装置,获取了肉豆寇酸、辅酶Q10等在不同结晶温度、不同结晶压力下的实验数据,获取诱导时间(对应成核速率)、结晶速率的系统数据,探讨以这些数据结合模型获取结晶活化能。探讨了基于上述研究在七元环富勒烯形成机理方面的应用,新型PGSS技术的开发和应用,超临界吸附对应的新型SLG系统的研究及应用。通过超临界流体中的结晶动力学和结晶热力学的研究,进一步认识了超临界流体辅助成粒技术的机理,为开发颗粒可调控的新技术提供了指导。
中文关键词: 超临界流体;脂;结晶;相平衡
英文摘要: For the applications of micronization and microencapsulation of lipid substances,the project implemented researches of crystallization kinetics and crystallization thermodynamics for these substances or their mixtures in supercritical fluids. For the solid-liquid-gas (SLG) phase equilibrium, a method was proposed and corresponding experimental apparatus was established by combining the first melting temperature and the end melting temperature to obtain the SLG phase equilibrium data of ternary systems containing a supercritical fluid and two solid solutes; predictive and correlative models were established for calculating the phase equilibrium data, particularly, a modified LCVM model was established for binary systems and extended to ternary systems. For the crystallization kinetics, a special apparatus was established for obtaining the nulceation rate and growth rate of solutes in high pressure carbon dioxide. Systematic data of coenzyme Q10 and myristic acid at different crytallization temperatures and different pressures were obtained including induction times with respect to nucleation rates and growth rates which were further used to obtain crystallization activation energy by combining models. On the basis of these studes, the applications to the mechansim of heptagon-containing fullerene formation, a modified PGSS technique, and the supercritical adsorption with SLG phase equilibrium were carried out. The successful implementation of these studies helped to understand the mechanisms of suprcritical fluid-assisted particle formation technqiues, and provided guidance for prosposing novel techniques to control particle size, morphology and properties.
英文关键词: supercritical fluid; lipid; crystallization; phase equilibrium