项目名称: 琼东陆架陆坡区内潮混合及与上升流的相互作用
项目编号: No.41506018
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李敏
作者单位: 广东海洋大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 琼东陆架陆坡区是典型的底地形变化较剧烈的区域,水深在几十公里范围内从几十米的陆架浅海区过渡到上千米的深水区,并在亚临界、临界和超临界地形之间变换,可能导致内潮呈现复杂的传播特征。内潮波的传播、破碎和耗散被认为是陆架陆坡区湍流混合的重要机制之一,而琼东上升流和内潮之间的相互作用使得该海区的动力过程变得更为复杂。因此,开展琼东陆架陆坡区内潮特征及对混合的影响研究,探究内潮和上升流之间的相互作用,对于深入系统地了解该海区内潮混合过程及与环流的关系至关重要。.本课题将针对琼东陆架陆坡区内潮混合及其与琼东上升流关系,拟利用现场观测,并结合初步的实验室实验,刻画该海区内潮基本特征及传播与耗散过程,揭示琼东陆架陆坡区内潮混合机制,阐明该海区内潮混合和琼东上升流之间的相互作用。
中文关键词: 琼东陆架陆坡区;内潮;混合;上升流
英文摘要: The continental shelf and slop east of Hainan Island is an area typically characterized by the dramatically topographic variation, with a depth transition from tens of meters to thousands of meters, shifting between subcritical-, critical- and supercritical slopes. It is complexly influential to internal tide’s propagation. The propagation, break and dissipation of internal tides are regarded as one significant type of mechanism for turbulent mixing on the shelf and slope. The existence of Qiongdong upwelling and its interaction with internal tides make the dynamic process more complicated here. Therefore, analyzing the character of internal tides and its impact to turbulent mixing and investigating the interaction between internal tides and Qiongdong upwelling are essential for understanding internal tide induced mixing, local circulation and their mutual effects systematically..This program will focus on the issues of the internal tide, induced mixing and their relationship with Qiongdong upwelling based on field observation and preliminary laboratory experiments, aiming to: i) depict the structure, variation, propagation and dissipation of internal tides; ii) elucidate the mechanism of internal tide induced mixing; iii) clarify the interaction between internal tide induced mixing and Qiongdong upwelling in this region.
英文关键词: the continental shelf and slope east of Hainan Island;internal tide;mixing;upwelling