项目名称: 光催化去除饮用水中硝酸盐和有机污染物协同机制研究
项目编号: No.51478095
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 其他
项目作者: 杨霞
作者单位: 东北师范大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 饮用水中硝酸盐、有机污染物特别是消毒副产物等微量污染物对人体健康的威胁已不容忽视,因而开发高效、节能、紧凑的净水工艺迫在眉睫。本项目拟采用竹炭或陶瓷膜负载光催化材料,制备出在常温、常压下具有太阳光响应的复合材料,将其应用于饮用水中微污染物的同步去除工艺。在对硝酸盐处理时,可利用太阳光照射复合材料所激发的光生电子等活性还原物种高选择性的把硝酸盐还原为氮气,并能利用光生空穴同步氧化有机污染物,实现光生电子与空穴的有效分离,从而提高光催化材料的降解性能。通过本项目研究揭示载体竹炭、陶瓷膜等与催化材料之间的作用机理,揭示催化材料制备因素与降解活性的构效关系,探明复合材料还原硝酸盐、氧化有机污染物的协同机制,掌握复合污染物在催化材料表面的转化规律,提供一套具有应用潜能的净水工艺,为纳米复合材料、光催化技术去除饮用水中微量污染物研究提供可靠数据。
中文关键词: 饮用水;光催化;协同机制;有机污染物;硝酸盐
英文摘要: Nitrate and organic pollutants in the drinking water poses a risk to human health. It is necessary to develop a high efficiency, economic, compact water purification process. In this project, we want to prepare sunlight-driven nanocomposites based on bamboo charcoal or ceramic membrane in ambient temperature and pressure,and apply it in removal the pollutants in the drinking water by one-step. The nitrate could be reduced to nitrogen by photo electrons or other active species from the stimulated nanocomposites, meanwhile, the organic pollutants could be oxided by photo hole. The photocatalytic material will exhibit excellent activity due to the separation of photo electron and hole. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the relations between the supporter and the nanocomposite, determine the effect of the phtocatalytic degradation activity by varying the synthesis parameters of photocatalyst,explore the law of transformation of pollutants and the surface of the photocatalysts.Most important of all is to elucidate the synergetic mechanism on the reduction of the nitrate and oxidation of the organic pollutants on prepared nanocomposites, and in particular,address the potential application of nanomaterials in photocatalytic technique for the purification of drinking water.
英文关键词: Drinking Water;Photocatalysis;Synergetic Mechanism;Organic Pollutants;Nitrates