项目名称: 员工使用企业内部社会化软件平台提升工作绩效的机理研究
项目编号: No.71302034
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 孙元
作者单位: 浙江工商大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着企业应用内部社会化软件平台的兴起,企业经常为是否使用这类平台而困惑。已有一些描述性、概念化的研究初步洞察了该平台的使用效益,但缺乏员工使用这类新兴信息技术如何提升工作绩效的解释性、理论化的研究。本项目在任务技术匹配理论基础上,集成给养理论和社会资本理论,综合运用多种实证方法,进行如下三个方面研究:(1)运用深度访谈、扎根理论分析、焦点群组访谈和问卷调查等手段,探析企业内部社会化软件平台背后技术特征的维度结构和测度;(2)运用焦点群组访谈、问卷调查和实验方法等手段探索与所识别的技术特征相匹配的任务特征;(3)运用焦点群组访谈和问卷调查等手段来剖析员工使用企业内部社会化软件平台提升工作绩效的机理。本项目研究结论能够为新兴企业社会化信息技术使用提升工作绩效提供理论支持,丰富和发展任务技术匹配理论和企业内部社会化媒体使用理论。
中文关键词: 企业内部社会化软件平台;员工使用;工作绩效;任务技术匹配;
英文摘要: With the rise of intra-organizational social software platform, enterprises are often confused about whether or not to use this type of platform. There are some descriptive and conceptional studies giving preliminary insight into the benefit of using the platform, while there is a lack of explanatory and theoretical studies investigating how to enhance job performance when employee use such emerging information technology. This project integrates the affordance theory and social capital theory into the task technology fit theory, and uses a variety of empirical methods to conduct the following three studies. First, we use indepth interview, grounded theory analysis, focus groups interview, survey and other research methods to explore the underlying dimensions and their corresponding measurement items of the technical characteristics of intra-organizational social software platform. Second, we employ focus groups interview, survey, experiment and other research methods to explore the fitted task characteristics with the identified technical characteristics. Third, we use the focus groups interview, survey and other research methods to analyze the mechanism of enhancing the employees' job performance when using intra-organizational social software platform. The research results of this project can provide theoreti
英文关键词: intra-organizational social software platform;employee usage;job performance;task technology fit;