项目名称: 新型阳离子捕收剂浮选黑色页岩镍钼矿的界面化学研究
项目编号: No.51504199
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 王振
作者单位: 西南科技大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 针对我国特有非传统资源-黑色页岩镍钼矿的浮选尾矿含钼远超其工业品位,资源浪费率高的问题,以氧化钼、氟磷灰石、方解石、石英为研究对象,运用量子化学计算及等电排置换原理解析烷基吡啶特效基团及电子等排物;采用计算机模拟结合浮选剂分子设计理论进行捕收剂分子优化设计,筛选高效的新型环境友好阳离子捕收剂;利用红外光谱检测、动电位测量、表面张力测试及浮选溶液化学计算等手段揭示黑色页岩镍钼矿矿物表面物理化学性质与浮选行为的关系;运用原子力显微镜观察、芘荧光探针技术、吸附量测定及分子动力学模拟等方法研究捕收剂在矿物表面的组装行为及机制。最终揭示高效阳离子捕收剂对难选镍钼矿浮选体系的界面化学原理,形成专属药剂制度及流程,对提高黑色岩系镍钼矿综合利用率和指导难选氧化矿的绿色浮选药剂开发有重要的理论意义和实际价值。
中文关键词: 氧化钼;阳离子捕收剂;电子等排;分子设计;界面化学
英文摘要: Molybdenum content of flotation tailings is much more than its industrial grade, which causes largely wasting of resources in flotation of the unique nontraditional Ni-Mo ore in China. In view of this, molybdite, fluorapatite, calcite and quartz are taken as the objects of our study. The special groups of alkyl pyridine and their isosteres are analysis by quantum chemistry calculation and isosteric replacement priciple. The computer simulation and flotation regents theory are used to research the optimization design of cationic collector, then the novel evironmental friendly cationic collectors are picked out. In the next moment, the relationships between the surface properties of minerals and their flotation behaviours are studied by adopting the surface analysis means, such as infrared measure, zeta potential test, surface tension analysis and flotation solution chemical calculation. Meanwhile, the methods of atomic force microscopy, pyrene fluorescence probe technique, adsorption density measurement and molecular dynamics simulation are applied to detect the assembly behavior and mechanism of the collector on minerals. All is for the sake of uncovering the interfacial chemisty principle of the efficient cationic collectors in the refractory Ni-Mo ore flotation system and establishing the exclusive reagents combination and technological pcocess. Therefore, it has important practical value and theoretical significance in improving the rate of multipurpose utilization of Ni-Mo ore and guiding the environmental friendly reagents development of refractory oxidized ore.
英文关键词: Molybdite; Cationic collector;Isostere;Molecular design;Interface chemistry