项目名称: 可用于早期骨关节炎检测的三维多波长光声成像算法研究
项目编号: No.31200748
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 生物物理、生化与生物分子学、生物力学与组织工程
项目作者: 肖嘉莹
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 光声成像对骨关节炎引起的光学参数的变化非常敏感,且继承了超声成像高分辨率的优点,因此很适合进行骨关节炎的早期常规诊断。但是现有的光声成像算法大多基于声速均匀的假设,不适用于声速高度非均匀的人体关节成像。申请人首次将基于有限元的多波长光声成像算法其应用在骨关节炎的临床诊断中,成功地实现了关节内声速和其它各功能参数的同时重建。然而其二维重建方式和骨关节三维模型间的误差影响了重建的精确性,并导致三维信息的缺失,因而降低了骨关节炎诊断的应用效果。本项目拟发展一套三维多波长光声算法,并采用一系列计算优化的方法,来解决三维重建中可能遇到的数据量大、噪声水平高、计算时间长等问题,然后用仿体实验和临床实验进行优化、验证和评估,从而实现一种高速、高分辨率、多功能的人体关节三维成像方式,为骨关节炎的诊断提供更准确完整的信息。本项目的研究成果将对光声成像在骨关节炎早期探测方面的应用起到明显的推动作用。
中文关键词: 骨关节炎;光声;有限元;虚拟焦点探测;
英文摘要: Due to its high sensitivity to the changes in optical properties of various joint tissues and its high spatial resolution, photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is ideally suited for early detection of osteoarthritis (OA). Most of the existing reconstruction algorithms for PAT are based on the assumption of homogeneous acoustic speed, which is not suited for the highly heterogeneous joint tissues. The principal investigator of this project applied for the first time the finite element based reconstruction algorithm for detection of OA in humans, and has realized the simultaneous reconstruction of acoustic speed and other tissue functional properties. However, the reconstruction algorithm developed was based on two-dimensional (2D), and the errors caused by the 2D algorithm compared to a real three-dimensional (3D) model significantly reduced the accuracy of image reconstruction. In addition, 3D information of tissue properties was lost, resulting in accuracy for OA detection. The goal of this project is to overcome these limitations associated with the 2D algorithms by developing 3D multiscpectral quantitative PAT reconstruction algorithms coupled with a series of image enhancement schemes to minimize the impact of measurement noise, achieve improved resolution, and reduce the computational cost. We will evaluate and o
英文关键词: osteoarthritis;photoacoustic;finite element;virtual detector;