项目名称: 基于劳瑞修正模型的城市域劳动力流动机制及其就业空间时空演化- - 以武汉市为例
项目编号: No.41201152
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 向华丽
作者单位: 中南财经政法大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 伴随着我国大规模城乡劳动力转移,宏观尺度的省际劳动力流动研究在我国得到深入与发展,但微观尺度的研究由于数据的缺乏尚处于起步阶段,在五普的基础上,六普数据的取得为我们研究城市域劳动力流动提供了契机。本项目以武汉市流动劳动力为研究对象,在对普查数据分类整理的基础上开展研究,首先基于ArcGIS制作武汉市劳动力就业空间分布的静态地图和劳动力流动的流场特征动态地图,对五普以来的武汉市劳动力流动及其就业空间的时空演化进行质性归纳与总结;其次以劳瑞引力模型为基础,在一定假设前提下通过对不同解释变量的取代与修正,分别建立城市域劳动力社会空间流动模型和地理空间流动模型,定量阐明城市域劳动力流动在行业分层上的行业替代机制及在地理空间上的分异机制;最后综合质性研究和模型定量研究的结果,给出武汉市就业空间演变的历史轨迹,并探讨其发展趋势,为城市劳动力空间均衡研究提供支持,为城市管理与城市规划部门提供政策建议。
中文关键词: 人口迁移;劳动力;地理信息系统;劳瑞模型;就业
英文摘要: Along with the nearly 30 years of large-scale urban and rural labor transfer in China, the study on the macro-scale, inter-provincial labor mobility has gradually deepened and developed, but the study of meso and micro scale is still in its infancy due to lack of data; fortunately, we have an opportunity to study on the labor mobility in urban domain because of owning the new sixth census data and the old fifth census data. We will carry out some basic studies on the classification, which is based on the free flow and non free flow, the city flow and the outside city flow, and the spatial configuration of the study object-the labor in Wuhan according to the fifth census data, the sixth census data and the sample survey data. Firstly, we will make the static maps of the labor mobility and the employment space, and the dynamic maps which show the flow field characteristics of the labor mobility space; based on these maps, we will summarize qualitatively the spatial and temporal evolution pattern of labor mobility and the employment space since the fifth census. Secondly, we will construct the models which study on the labor flow city based on the Lowry gravity model and some assumptions according to the replacement and correction of different explanatory variables, based on these models, we hope to quantitatively
英文关键词: population migration;labor;geographic information system;Lowry model;employment