项目名称: 铁矿石浮选过程中氢键的形成及其作用机理研究
项目编号: No.51274056
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 朱一民
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 从各类铁矿浮选药剂分子结构的研究中发现,浮选药剂分子极性基团中的N、O、F原子为主要活性位点,而这三个原子均为能形成氢键的原子;因此首次从氢键形成条件及其氢键强弱检测角度重新审视浮选药剂与矿物表面的相互作用机理。采用红外光谱、X射线衍射、电子和中子衍射和原子力显微镜等手段检测药剂极性基团与矿物表面活性位点原子之间氢键作用的强弱,考察相互作用过程中氢键的强弱与浮选效果的对应关系,从而确定氢键在浮选机理中的地位与作用;再结合静电吸附、键合吸附、溶度积理论及晶体场理论研究铁矿石浮选药剂与矿物相互作用的物理化学本质,建立浮选药剂与铁矿物及其脉石矿物相互作用新的理论体系。该理论体系的建立不仅可以揭示影响浮选药剂性能的关键因素、建立新型浮选药剂研发机制,而且对阐明矿物颗粒在新型浮选药剂分子溶液中弥散、浸润、静电吸附、氢键形成、分子间缔合、化学键结合等现象的物理化学本质具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 铁矿石;浮选药剂;作用机理;氢键;捕收剂
英文摘要: It was discovered from our extensive researches on the structure of iron ore flotation reagent molecules that N, O, and F atoms in the polar groups of the reagents turned out to be the main active sites, such as O in the -COO- of oleic acid (a typical iron ore flotation collector), N in the -NH2 of dodecylamine, N and O in the hydroximic acid and 8-hydroxyquinoline(a typical iron ore flotation depressor), O in the -SO3- of thioetherification sulfonic acid salt, and F in the NaF,HF, and Na2SiF4(typical iron ore flotation depressors). The generality of these three atoms is that they are the atoms which all are able to form the hydrogen bond. Therefore,it is from this novel perspective of hydrogen bond formation conditions and hydrogen bond intensity measurement that the mechanisms of interactions between flotation reagents and iron minerals (plus associated gangue) are investigated.The intensities of hydrogen bonds between polar groups of flotation reagents and atoms of the active site on the surface of the minerals are measured by FTIR and AFM. The corresponding relationship between the intensities of hydrogen bonds and flotation effect is observed, which established the position and role of hydrogen bond in the interactions between polar groups of flotation reagents and atoms of the active site on the surface
英文关键词: iron ore;floating reagent;reaction mechamism;hydrogen bond;collector