项目名称: PBL剪力键疲劳性能及其影响因素试验研究
项目编号: No.51208513
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 侯文崎
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 设计若干组不同类型的PBL剪力键组合结构试件,通过疲劳推出试验和剩余极限承载力推出试验,研究PBL剪力键疲劳破坏机理和疲劳破坏形式,研究疲劳荷载幅、混凝土强度等级、贯通钢筋直径、钢板孔洞直径和间距、箍筋配筋率等因素对PBL剪力键疲劳性能的影响,研究疲劳荷载对PBL剪力键组合结构剩余承载能力的影响,得到PBL剪力键疲劳性能的主要影响因素和次要影响因素。在此基础上,考虑钢与混凝土之间的滑移、混凝土开裂、贯通钢筋塑性变形等,采用空间非线性有限元分析方法,进一步研究各种因素对PBL剪力键承载力的影响规律,得到影响PBL剪力键疲劳承载力的控制参数,确定其合理取值范围。综合试验结果和数值计算结果,采用回归分析方法,提出PBL剪力键疲劳承载力计算公式,提出PBL剪力键剩余极限承载力计算公式,以为PBL剪力键组合结构疲劳设计及相关规范的制定提供参考和技术储备。
中文关键词: PBL剪力键;疲劳;极限承载力;有限元;影响因素
英文摘要: Through carrying out fatigue push-out tests and residual ultimate bearing capacity tests on groups of different type of designed composite test specimens with PBL shear connectors, the following issues will be investigated: fracture mechanism and failure mode of PBL shear connectors under fatigue load, the influence of different factors on the fatigue performance of PBL shear connectors, such as fatigue load amplitude, concrete strength, diameter of perfobonded rebar, diameter and arrangement of holes in the steel girder and stirrup reinforcement ratio,etc.,the influence of fatigue load on the residual ultimate bearing capacity of composite test specimens with PBL shear connectors.Then, the primary and secondary influence factors of the fatigue performance of PBL shear connectors will be acquired respectively. On that basis, taking the slip between steel girder and concrete slab, concrete crack and plastic deformation of the perforbonded rebar into consideration, the influence of the above mentioned factors on the bearing capacity of PBL shear connectors will be investugated further through 3D nonlinear finite element analysis(FEA), the controlling parameters of fatigue bearing capacity of PBL shear connectors will be affirmed and reasonable value range of the parameters will be determined. Based on the test res
英文关键词: PBL shear connector;fatigue;ultimate bearing capacity;FEM;influence factors