项目名称: 二进制代码路径混淆方法研究
项目编号: No.61272423
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 贾春福
作者单位: 南开大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 针对基于符号执行和约束求解等路径敏感技术的逆向工程给软件安全带来的新威胁,研究二进制代码路径混淆方法,保护软件知识产权。具体包括:(1)分析软件路径信息泄漏的根源和现有代码混淆技术的不足,研究基于路径分支点和分支条件的路径混淆方法;(2)针对路径敏感的逆向工程攻击,研究路径混淆的实现技术,给出引入异常处理机制、远程可信实体、未解数学难题和单向保留前缀算法的路径混淆实现方法;(3)研究所提路径混淆自身的安全机制;(4)研究所提路径混淆抗逆向分析的性能及其对软件性能的影响。在此基础上,开发自动化的二进制代码路径混淆原型系统。 项目研究目标是,提出一套基于路径混淆的软件知识产权保护思想与方法,研究相应的实现策略与技术,力求形成具有自主知识产权的软件保护新技术。一方面,提高软件的安全防护和对抗逆向工程的能力;另一方面,探索软件知识产权保护的新技术与新方法,丰富软件保护的研究内容与技术手段。
中文关键词: 软件安全;软件知识产权保护;代码混淆;二进制代码路径混淆;
英文摘要: The reverse engineering based on path-sensitive techniques, such as symbolic execution and theorem proving, poses a new threat to software protection.This project researches novel binary branch obfuscation methods to protect software intellectual property. It includes: (1) to analyze the inherent nature of software path information leakage at runtime and point out the weaknesses of the existing code obfuscation methods, and research new protection methods by obfuscating the branch points and branch conditions; (2) to research the implementation of branch obfuscation using exception handling mechanism, remote trusted entity, unsolved mathematics conjectures, and one-way prefix-preserving algorithm to prevent path-sensitive reverse engineering; (3) to analyze and solve the security problems of the proposed branch obfuscation techniques; and (4) to analyze and promote of the resilience of the proposed branch obfuscation techniques and reduce their influences over software performance at runtime. Furthermore, this project will develop an automatic binary branch obfuscation prototype system. The goal of this project is to research branch obfuscation methods to protect software intellectual property and their corresponding implementation techniques and strategies, and propose new software protection techniques with in
英文关键词: Software secusity;Software intellectual property protection;Code obfuscation;Binary branch obfuscation;