项目名称: 基于信号空域稀疏性的阵列测向方法研究
项目编号: No.61302141
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 刘章孟
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 结合阵列测向问题中入射信号普遍具备的空域稀疏性,综合考虑阵列测向系统对信号环境适应能力、源个数估计能力、波达方向估计精度、运算效率、模型误差适应与校正能力等方面的要求,在低信噪比、小样本、空域临近多目标等信号环境中,系统研究(1)基于信号空域稀疏性的窄带/宽带波达方向估计方法,(2)阵列互耦、幅相不一致、阵元位置不准确等失配模型条件下的阵列误差自校正与窄带/宽带信号波达方向估计方法,(3)多径窄带/宽带信号分辨与高精度波达方向估计方法以及对阵列误差的联合校正方法等,以突破现有阵列测向方法在此类信号环境适应能力方面所存在的显著局限,进一步完善阵列信号处理理论体系,为提升阵列测向系统在各类复杂应用环境中的效能提供技术支持。
中文关键词: 阵列信号处理;波达方向估计;稀疏贝叶斯学习;阵列误差校正;相干信号处理
英文摘要: The project addresses the direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation problems in demanding narrowband/wideband environments with low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), limited snapshots and spatially adjacent sources. To achieve this goal, the common spatial sparsity property of the incident signals in most DOA estimation problems will be exploited using the sparse reconstruction techniques, and the requirements will be considered for the DOA estimation systems, including demanding signal environment adaptation, source number detection, high-precision DOA estimation, computational efficiency and model error calibration ability. The following three problems will by studied in detail in the project, 1) spatial sparsity-based narrowband/wideband DOA estimation with precisely calibrated arrays, 2) array calibration and narrowband/wideband DOA estimation in the presence of mutual coupling, gain/phase uncertainty and sensor location errors, 3) DOA estimation of multipath narrowband/wideband signals in the absence or presence of array imperfections. The research is expected to make up for the significant drawbacks of the existing methods in adaptation to the above-mentioned demanding environments, and also improve the array signal processing theory and enhance the effectiveness of the array systems in various applications.
英文关键词: Array signal processing;direction-of-arrival estimation;sparse bayesian learning;array imperfection calibration;coherent signal processing