项目名称: 直膨式多空间降温除湿的双重耦合作用机理研究
项目编号: No.51306160
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 徐象国
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 直膨式中央空调系统兼具冷水式中央空调系统与直膨式一拖一空调系统的优点。然而直膨式多空间降温除湿包含双重耦合,其在理论研究与技术实施上的困难导致传统研究忽略除湿过程,仅以温度控制为目标。由此引致的室内舒适度降低以及潜在的能耗提高难以匹配人们对于室内热舒适要求的日益提升以及对建筑能耗越来越严格的限制。本项目突破了传统的"直膨式中央空调温湿度控制所需输入控制变量不足"思路的束缚,从室内湿度舒适范围并不局限于某一点着手,创新性得提出了部分解耦法,既保证室内温度控制,又强化对室内湿度的控制。从空调系统动态特性,多空间冷量分布耦合机理,传热传质理论出发,本项目着重研究直膨式中央空调的双重耦合作用机理,从理论和实验两方面揭示在内部耦合影响下的空气侧热湿耦合特性,寻求双重耦合数据平面,以此建立部分解耦法的具体调控机制以及实用过程中的优化规律。本项目也可为类似的非线性、双重耦合过程的作用机理研究提供参考。
中文关键词: 直膨式中央空调;双重耦合作用机理;解耦方法;温湿度控制;变频运行特性
英文摘要: With the increase in living standards, air conditioning has been extensively applied to buildings to provide occupants with a thermally comfortable environment. Consequently, energy use for air conditioning has significantly increased over the last few decades. It is therefore very important to develop energy conscious air conditioning technology to achieve energy saving and contribute to sustainability. Direct Expansion Multi-evaporator air conditioning (MEAC) may be regarded as one of the energy conscious air conditioning technologies. However, most MEAC systems currently focus on temperature control only, leaving indoor humidity level uncontrolled, so that the potential of MEAC technology in achieving energy saving has not yet been fully explored. Therefore in this proposed project, based on previous extensive related research by the investigator on modeling and controlling both single evaporator air conditioning systems and MEAC systems, a dynamic MEAC system model, which combines the simulation of system operating characteristics, heat and mass transfer of air side and sensible and latent cooling load balance of conditioned spaces, will be firstly developed. Using the dynamic model and a MEAC system experimental station expected to be built up, the double-coupling mechanism of cooling and dehumidification o
英文关键词: direct expansion central air conditioning;double-coupling mechanism;decoupling algorithm;temperature and humidity control;variable speed operational characteristics