项目名称: 基于脂质体/金纳米棒复合材料的光控药物释放体系及其胃癌治疗研究
项目编号: No.81501524
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 夏玉琼
作者单位: 西安电子科技大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 脂质体/金纳米粒子复合药物载体具有生物相容性好、合成方便、光响应和成像模态丰富等优点。但是由于其光热转换效率较低或成像分辨率较低(由于金的载入量低)的问题,人们对其在体的药物控制释放和肿瘤的成像研究并不多。本项目拟先通过“grafting to”和“grafting from”法合成两亲性金纳米棒,再应用反向蒸发法高效地在脂质体双分子层膜内载入金纳米棒,实现金纳米棒在脂质体双分子层中的高度耦合,以提升单位质量金纳米棒的光声性质和光热转换效率。随后载入抗癌药物阿霉素,从而制备并筛选出光声信号强、光热转换系数高、药物释放效率高、稳定性好、毒性低的复合药物载体。在此基础上,首先在细胞层面上达到在光照或高温刺激后其对胃癌细胞的高效抑制作用,随后实现对胃癌组织的高分辨光声成像,最后完成光照后复合药物载体对胃癌组织的高效抑制作用。本项目为胃癌的治疗提供一种新型的高效的药物载体。
中文关键词: 药物控释;光声成像;脂质体;金纳米棒
英文摘要: Liposome/gold nanorod complex drug carriers are highly biocompatable, easily synthesized, light responsive and have multiple imaging modalities. However, studies on their drug release and imaging in vivo are limited due to low photothermal conversion efficiency and low imaging resolution (due to low loading of gold). In this project, we are going to first synthesize amphiphilic gold nanorods, followed by loading the gold nanorods into lipid bilayers using highly efficient reversed phase evaporation method. In this way, we can get highly coupled gold nanorods confined in lipid bilayers. Further, we load anticancer drug doxrubicin by remote loading. Hence, we can synthesize and choose the liposome/gold nanorod complex drug carriers with strong photoacoustic signal, high photothermal conversion coefficient, high drug release efficiency, good stability and low toxicity. After that, we will first get high inhibition of gastric cancer cells by complex drug carrier under illumination or hyperthemia, and then realize the high resolution photoacoustic imaging of gastric cancer tissue using the same drug carrier, and finally achieve high inhibition against gastric cancer tissue under illumination with the drug carrier. This project will offer a novel and highly efficient drug carrier to gastric cancer therapy.
英文关键词: controlled drug release;photoacoustic imaging;liposome;gold nanorod