项目名称: 基于光脉冲编码的布里渊散射自相干分布式光纤振动传感基础研究
项目编号: No.61307102
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 欧中华
作者单位: 电子科技大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 光纤振动传感器在安防、结构与环境监测等领域有着重要的应用。针对目前布里渊传感系统结构复杂与多振动点难以同时测量等问题,本项目提出了一种基于泵浦光脉冲编码与自发布里渊散射自相干拍频信号检测相结合的新方法,进行分布式光纤动态双折射测量,从而实现多振动点的同时测量。为此,首先将研究外界机械振动对光纤结构参数影响的动力学过程,建立机械扰动与光纤动态双折射的理论模型;然后研究光纤中自发布里渊散射特性与光纤双折射及编码光脉冲之间的物理关系,以及自发布里渊散射信号各分量在光纤中的动态传输过程,建立光纤双折射及编码光脉冲与布里渊散射拍频效应理论模型;最终通过对布里渊散射拍频信号检测方法、解调理论与实验的研究,实现分布式的振动传感与多点同时测量。 本项目提出的布里渊传感方法系统结构简单并能实现多振动点同时测量,具有一定创新性,目前尚未见到其他研究者的相关报道,其研究结果将促进光纤布里渊及振动传感技术的发展。
中文关键词: 双折射;布里渊自相干效应;Simplex 编码;光时域反射;
英文摘要: Optical fiber vibration sensor has an important application in the fields of security, structure health monitoring, environment monitoring and so on.Currently, the distributed Brillouin scattering sensing system has a complex structure,and it is very difficult to measure multi-points of vibration simultaneously. In this project, we propose a novel method based on coded optical pump pulses in combination with spontaneously self-coherent Brillouin scattering beat signal detecting technology, which can simultaneously measure multi-points of vibration by measuring the distributed optical fiber dynamic birefringence. In this project, firstly we will analyze the impact of mechanical vibration on the fiber structure parameters, and establish the theoretical model between external mechanical vibration and optical fiber dynamic birefringence. Secondly, we will research both the physical relationship among Brillouin scattering characteristics, coded optical pump pulses and fiber birefringence, and the dynamic transmission process of each Brillouin scattering component in optical fiber, and then establish the theoretical model among fiber birefringence, coded optical pump pulses and Brillouin scattering beat effect. Afterwards, we will investigate the Brillouin scattering beat signal detection method, demodulation theory a
英文关键词: birefringence;Brillouin scattering self-coherent effect;Simplex coding;OTDR;