项目名称: 导电高聚物/纳米金属复合电极的制备及其对水中硝酸盐类污染物的去除研究
项目编号: No.51308282
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 崔皓
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水中硝酸盐类污染物(硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐等)去除是国内外研究的热点问题之一,但仍有许多问题没有得到解决。本课题拟制备具有高电化学催化活性的导电高聚物/纳米金属复合电极材料,将其用于水中硝酸盐类污染物的电化学催化还原去除。探讨复合电极材料特性、吸附作用与催化还原效率之间的关联性;分析导电高聚物的比表面积、微观结构以及导电性能对水中硝酸盐类污染物在电极表面的吸附作用和催化还原的影响;揭示复合电极材料中的纳米金属粒径、价态以及纳米金属-导电高聚物载体相互作用对催化还原过程的影响。并探索控制催化反应程度的方法,促进水中硝酸盐类污染物完全转化为氮气。在实验室系统研究的基础上,构建小试装置,验证所制备复合电极的实际处理效果,优化和积累小试装置运行工艺参数,并解决在实际应用中可能出现的问题。最终将机理研究及小试实验结果反馈到材料制备过程中,以制备出经济、高效、安全、耐久的导电高聚物/纳米金属复合电极材料。
中文关键词: 导电高聚物;纳米金属;复合电极;硝酸盐;电化学去除
英文摘要: The problem of nitrate contamination in ground and surface has attracted great attention nowadyas home and abroad, researches have been carried out tremedously, however, some problems still remain. This project tends to prepare a conducting polymer/nano-metallic composite electrode material with high electrochemical catalytic activity, and then use this material for the electrochemical removal of nitrate contamination from water. Correlationship between electrode properties and adsorption, catalytic reduction efficiency will be disscussed, and effect of specific surface area, microstrcture and conduting property of the prepared material on its adsorption and catalytic efficiency will be analysed; influence of diameter, valence of nanoparticles and interation between nano-metallic particle and conduting polymer on catalytic reduction process will also be revealed. Methods of controlling catalytic reaction extend will be explored to promote the complete transfer of nirtrate contaminates into Nitrogen. On the basis of laboratory study, small scale devices will be constructed to test the practical removal effect of this electrode material to nitrate, working parameters could thus be optimized and accumulated during the process to solve the possible problems in real application. Finally, the mechanism and results fro
英文关键词: conducting polymer;nanometal;electrode;nitrate;electrochemical removal