项目名称: 基于陷光结构和表界面调控的有机-晶硅太阳能电池光伏性能研究
项目编号: No.61774070
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2018
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 朱雨富
作者单位: 淮阴工学院
项目金额: 16万元
中文摘要: 低成本、高效光伏器件研究对解决能源短缺和环境污染具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。针对采用平面硅制备有机-晶硅太阳能电池对光的反射率高的缺点,本课题提出了采用软模板压印结合金属辅助化学刻蚀在硅表面构建陷光结构来提高电池对光的吸收;针对陷光结构引入可能会导致载流子复合加强的问题,本课题提出了通过对陷光结构表面钝化、对PEDOT:PSS进行掺杂,促进载流子输运,减少复合。通过对比研究由平面硅以及表面制备了不同形貌、大小、占空比的陷光结构硅片所制成电池的光电性能探讨陷光结构变化对电池光电转换效率的影响。系统深入研究陷光结构的引入对电池中光子吸收和散射的影响;有机-晶硅表界面调控对载流子输运的影响;进一步揭示影响电池光电转换效率的物理起源,提出提高电池性能的可行方案。本项目的研究结果将为发展低成本、高效太阳能电池提供理论和实验依据,具有潜在的经济效益和社会效益。
中文关键词: 太阳电池;光伏性能;光电转化效率;有机/无机杂化;纳米光伏电池
英文摘要: Systematic research work on low-cost, high-efficiency solar cell has an important scientific significance and practical value to solve the problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution. Considering the high reflectance of organic/crystalline-silicon solar cells based on planar silicon, in this project, light-trapping structures formed on silicon substrate via soft embossing and metal assisted chemical etching method will be used to enhance the absorption of light. However, silicon with light-trapping structures may result in high carrier recombination. To overcome this problem, surface passivation of the obtained light-trapping structures and doped PEDOT:PSS layer will be adopted to promote carrier transport and reduce recombination. Effects of various features of light-trapping structures on the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells will be discussed by comparing the performance of solar cells made with planar silicon and light-trapping structures with different morphologies, sizes, and duty cycles. The effects of light-trapping structures on the absorption and scattering process of photons will be systematically studied; the effects of organic/crystalline-silicon surface/interface engineering on the carrier transport properties will be discussed. The project is expected to reveal the physical origin that affects the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cell and find possible ways to improve the performance of solar cell. The findings of this project will provide both the theoretical and experimental basis for the development of low-cost and high-efficiency solar cell. It could also have potential economic and social benefits.
英文关键词: Solar cells;Photovoltaic properties;Photoelectric conversion efficiency;Organic/inorganic hybrid;Nano photovoltaic cells