项目名称: 超声作用下高分子机械力化学及其调控化学反应研究
项目编号: No.21474095
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 徐航勋
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 90万元
中文摘要: 通过施加机械作用力使高分子链中的机械响应官能团发生化学变化从而发现新的化学现象,引发新的化学反应过程,制备新的高分子功能材料是高分子机械力化学的重要研究内容。其中,将催化基团或者活性中心作为机械响应官能团嵌入到高分子链上,利用高分子机械力化学调控催化剂的化学活性来影响化学反应是新兴的研究方向之一。针对目前机械响应催化体系在调控化学反应过程中有限的可控性和适用化学反应范围不广的局限性,本项目拟从设计与合成新的机械响应官能团出发,发展新的机械力响应方式,探索新的催化剂活化方法以及拓宽高分子机械力化学调控催化化学反应的应用范围等几个方面入手,研究通过非共价键结合实现可逆断裂的催化剂体系以实现利用高分子机械力化学动态调控催化反应。期望通过深入系统研究,总结基本物理化学规律,为高分子机械力化学调控催化反应研究提供新思路,促进该领域进一步发展并为未来制备机械响应性高分子材料提供基础。
中文关键词: 高分子机械力化学;超声;刺激响应性;机械响应;催化
英文摘要: The concept of using mechanical forces applied on a polymer chain to induce the mechanical response of mechanophores with the hope to discover a series of new chemical phenomena, initiate new chemical reactions, and produce new functional polymer materials is a key research content of polymer mechanochemistry. Especially, incorporation of mechanically responsive catalysts into polymer chains as mechanophores and application of polymer mechanochemistry to control catalytic reactions is a burgeoning research field in polymer science. Current research on using polymer mechanochemistry to control catalytic reactions lacks of dynamic nature during chemical reactions with low efficiency, and can only be used in limited chemical reactions. Therefore, this proposal aims to overcome the above mentioned limitations based on the design and synthesis of new mechanoresponsive functional groups, development of new methods to apply mechanical forces to mechanophores to activate catalysts, and expansion of catalytic chemical reactions. Specifically, we are going to develop new mechanophores based on dynamic nature of noncovalent chemical bonds (i.e., hydrogen bond and metal-ligand bonds) to achieve reversible control of catalytic reactions and explore more chemical reactions that can be used with new catalytic systems. Based on the understanding of fundamental physical and chemical processes associated with polymer mechanochemistry, it is expected to provide new concepts and examples of how mechanical forces can control chemical reactions, design mechanically responsive polymer materials, and benefit the further development of polymer mechanochemistry.
英文关键词: polymer mechanochemistry;ultrasound;stimuli responsive;mechanoresponsive;catalysis