项目名称: 基于多源遥感数据和GIS的城市太阳能资源时空分布调查与利用评价
项目编号: No.41471449
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 地理学
项目作者: 余柏蒗
作者单位: 华东师范大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 城市区域对太阳能资源的利用需综合考虑该区域内太阳能资源的总体可利用潜力、城市三维形态对区域内具体位置太阳能资源可获得性的影响和太阳能设备安装选址。准确的估算城市整体的太阳能资源状况和调查城市内部的太阳能资源时空分布特征,对于充分有效的利用太阳能资源有着重要的意义。针对现有对于城市区域中观尺度太阳能资源调查和利用评价的研究中方法和模型缺乏的现状,本项目拟选择上海市中心城区为样区,以多源遥感数据(包括机载、车载激光扫描数据,高分辨率航空、卫星遥感影像,气象卫星数据)为基础、以GIS技术为支撑,探索综合考虑地理位置、季节、气象条件、城市复杂三维形态等因子所影响的城市区域精细化的太阳能资源时空分布调查方法;建立考虑太阳能资源时空分布、太阳能设备安装选址和经济效益等因素的城市区域太阳能资源利用评估模型。项目预期研究成果将为城市区域中观尺度太阳能资源的调查和利用评价提供有效的新方法与新模型。
中文关键词: 太阳能资源;时空分布调查;利用评价;多源遥感数据;地理信息系统
英文摘要: The effective utilization of solar energy in urban area depends on the potential of solar energy resource in the area, the accessibility of the energy impacted by the urban complex 3D morphology, and the location decision for setting the solar energy equipment. Accurate assessment of the solar energy resource for the city and investigation of the spatio-temporal distribution of solar radiation for a specific region in the city are significantly important for the fully use of solar energy in the urban area. Due to the lack of methods and models of solar energy utilization investigation and assessment for the urban area at the single city scale (medium scale), this study takes the central area of Shanghai as an example and aims to 1) propose new methods for investigating impacts of geographical location, season, weather condition, and urban 3D morphology on spatio-temporal variations of solar energy, and 2) to model the solar energy use considering the spatio-temporal distribution of solar energy resource, location of solar energy equipment, and economic benefits in the urban area. Multi-source remotely sensed data, including airborne laser scanning data, mobile laser scanning data (namely vehicle-based laser scanning data), high-resolution aerial and satellite Remote Sensing images, and meteorological satellite data will be employed to support the new methods and models based on GIS technologies in our study. This study will provide a useful tools and methods for the solar energy utilization assessment for the urban area at the single city scale.
英文关键词: Solar energy;Spatio-temporal distribution investigation;Utilzation assessment;Multi-source remotely sensed data;GIS