项目名称: 基于声波的管道测漏关键技术研究
项目编号: No.61461050
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 吾米提·尤努斯
作者单位: 新疆大学
项目金额: 45万元
中文摘要: 在日常生活中,有很多天然气管道和自来水管道埋设在墙壁内或者地下。对建筑物进行施工任务时,如果可以从外部检测到管道的布局,将给工程提供极大的方便。当因为事故或灾难发生管道破裂时,即时对破裂位置定位也会给管道的维护提供保证。在此,我们将提出一种新的检测方法。利用扬声器将雷达用线性调频信号发射到目标管道中,在同样的位置通过麦克风接收来自管道内的反射信号。然后,将反射信号通过相关器,获得压缩脉冲信号。利用压缩脉冲信号的迟延时间和声波的速度,对反射部位的距离进行估计。因管道的不连续部位(L 型弯头,T 型分支)和破裂部位都会产生管道内的阻抗变化,会导致在对应部位产生反射波。在这些反射信号中,如果可以区分来自不连续部位和破裂部位的反射信号,就能成功的判断管道布局并对破裂位置精确定位。最近的研究显示,不连续部位和破裂部位的信号特征是不一样的。利用这种不同,我们可以对管道泄露部位进行估计。
中文关键词: 声波;探测;漏洞;调频波;FDTD
英文摘要: There are many kinds of life infrastructure such as gas and water pipes are buried in the floor or wall of buildings. If it is possible to detect the layout information of these pipes, it would be very convinent for the construction. Also, while gas or water leaks in pipes that are buried under ground or that are situated in the walls of buildings occured due to aging or unpredictable accidents,the detection of leaks in pipes is an important task in maintenance and repairing constructions. In this study, we present a novel detection method. We inject an acoustic chirp signal into a target pipeline and then estimate the leak location from the delay time of the compressed pulse by passing the reflected signal through a correlator. It is expected that by launching an acoustic signal directly into a pipe, the position of the discontinuities and leak of the pipe can be estimated from the reflective waves precisely.
英文关键词: acoustic;Detection;Leak;Chirp;FDTD