项目名称: 模拟电路的低频噪声检测方法
项目编号: No.61271115
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 陈晓娟
作者单位: 东北电力大学
项目金额: 58万元
中文摘要: 电噪声起源于电子线路内部元器件的内在固有扰动。电路中低频噪声是指频率低于100KHz的电压(电流)噪声,它对电路内部的的缺陷和衰变很敏感,近年来集成电路生产设备行业统计分析报告的调查研究发现,90%以上的模拟电路中都存在不同程度的低频噪声。本项目应用低频噪声来分析模拟电路的工作状态,研究模拟电路等效En-In噪声模型,计算理论噪声谱和其容差阈值,运用大规模网络撕裂算法将电路分解,采用互谱测量法测试分析子电路噪声谱,研究测试系统的抗干扰方法。利用微弱信号检测方法从电路噪声谱中有效提取低频噪声,将其与理论噪声谱比较,判定是否超出容差阈值,分析了基于低频噪声的模拟电路电路工作状态,力争在电路低频噪声检测领域取得重大突破,为电路故障诊断和预测提供新的有效途径。
中文关键词: 低频噪声分析;模拟电路;RTS噪声;G-R 噪声;1/f 噪
英文摘要: Electrical noise originates from the inherent disturbance of the internal components of electronic circuits. Low-frequency noise in the circuit refers to the voltage(current) noise which frequencies are below 100KHz, and they are sensitive to the internal defects and decay in circuit, according to the investigations of the statistical analysis reports of the integrated circuit equipment production industry, there is low-frequency noise on varying degrees existing in more than 90% of the Analog Circuit. In the project, low-frequency is adopted to analyze the working status of the analog circuits, En-In noise model equivalent to analog circuit is studied, the theoretical noise spectrum and its tolerance threshold is calculated, large-scale network tearing algorithm is used to decompose the circuit, Cross spectrum measurement method is adopted to test and analysis the noise spectrum of sub-circuit, and the method of anti-interference of the test system had been taken into research.Then the methods of weak signal detection are used to effectively extract low-frequency noise from the circuit noise spectrum , and compare the results with the theoretical noise spectrum to determine whether the results exceed the tolerance threshold, analyze the working state of the analog circuit based on low frequency noise. The proje
英文关键词: Low frequency noise analysis;Analog circuit;RTS noise;G-R noise;1/f noise