项目名称: 葫芦脲超分子体系中多维拓扑结构水簇研究
项目编号: No.21202037
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 有机化学
项目作者: 孙旭镯
作者单位: 河南工业大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 水簇作为一种水的存在形式,可以为生物体内、化学过程中水的功能和作用提供极富研究价值的信息,尤其在研究生物化学中氢键引导的自组装过程所起的作用时更有优势,同时超分子化学及现象又离不开水分子的参与和氢键的作用,因此在超分子体系内研究水簇可进一步拓展水簇的研究领域。葫芦脲作为一类新型的大环主体,可以构建出功能复杂结构多样的超分子体系。本项目拟以葫芦脲超分子体系作为核心结构,以多种分子间弱相互作用力作为驱动力,自组装构筑水簇集合体。主要内容包括:(1)设计合成功能化的葫芦脲超分子体系,构建具有多维拓扑结构的水簇;(2)研究水簇结构、性质,探讨其在超分子体系中的作用;(3)研究不同客体分子、不同阴离子、超分子空间构型等因素对水簇结构、性质的影响,总结归纳超分子框架与水簇的相互作用模式。为水这一广泛存在的溶剂在化学过程与生物体系中作用,特别是在超分子体系中的作用提供更加详实的实验及理论依据。
中文关键词: 葫芦脲;阴离子水簇;结构调控;;
英文摘要: Water clusters, as a kind of exits of water, can provide valuable informations about performances of water in biologic and chemical process, and also have more advantages in studying the effect of self-assembly process via hydrogen bonds in biology and chemistry.Meanwhile,supramolecular Chemistry and the phenomenon can not do without the participation of water molecules and hydrogen bonding.So studying water clusters in the supramolecular system can futher expand the field of water cluster.In this project, water clusters are self-assembled by coorperation of many non-covalent bonding in the frameworks of supramolecular system of Cucurbituril.The main contents include: (1)building multi-dimensional topological structures and different number of water clusters through the design and synthesis of different functions of cucurbituril's supramolecular systems;(2) studying the structures and properties of water clusters to discuss their effect on the supramolecular system;(3)studying the impact of different guest molecules, anionic, spatial configuration of supramolecular frameworks on the structure, properties of water cluster, to summarize the relationship between supramolecular frameworks and water clusters. It is more detailed experimental data and theoretical evidence for the wide range of speical solvents water i
英文关键词: cucurbituril;anion water cluster;structural modulation;;