项目名称: 面向入侵目标监测的无线传感网自愈节能技术研究
项目编号: No.61300215
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 凡高娟
作者单位: 河南大学
项目金额: 24万元
中文摘要: 无线传感器网络的主要任务是准确获取客观物理世界有价值的信息,拓展了人类的感知范围,帮助人们了解并实时感知周围环境。能量受限是传感器网络广泛应用面临的首要问题,监测环境的时变性和多样性导致节点失效,难以保证监测精确性,尤其应用环境的不可预知性,更加恶化网络监测性能。本项目以入侵目标监测应用为背景,研究节点调度自愈技术:分析入侵目标特征参数,建立网络生存度量模型,保证事件监测的敏捷性和实时性;利用动态贝叶斯网络理论,建立节点调度覆盖洞扩散问题模型,为节能自愈技术提供指导原则;设计节点位置信息已知和未知情况下的节点调度自愈策略,提高网络健壮性;利用经济学中的基尼系数作为目标监测的均衡度,设计基于模糊理论的网络综合性能评价指标,分析评估节点调度自愈策略性能。用目标监测实例验证所提理论的正确性与可行性。研究结果对促进无线传感器网络在更多新型应用领域的发展和普及具有重要的理论意义和参考价值。
中文关键词: 无线传感器网络;节点调度;覆盖洞;能量均衡;入侵目标监测
英文摘要: The main task of wireless sensor network (WSN) is to accurately acquire valuable physical world information, expand the perception range of humans, help people understand and sense their surroundings in real time. Energy constraint is an important issue for widely applications. Monitoring time-varying and diversity characteristic of environment lead to nodes failures, which cannot guarantee monitoring accuracy, especially for unpredictable environment application, and worsen network monitoring performance. Intrusion target monitoring application is used as a background in this project research, and a node scheduling self-healing technology is research priorities, which includes four parts. Firstly, character parameters of the intrusion target will be analyzed, and then a measurement of network lifetime will be presented to ensure event monitoring in real time and agility. Secondly, coverage hole diffusion problem model is establishment based on dynamic Bayesian network theory, which can provide guiding principles for self-healing technology in node scheduling schemes. Thirdly, a self-healing strategy is designed in node scheduling to improve network robustness according to the circumstance that node location information is free and location information is demand. Finally, a Gini index is used in economics as a c
英文关键词: wireless sensor networks;node scheduling;coverage holes;energy balance;intrusion target monitoring