项目名称: 金属氧化物半导体传感材料上的催化反应研究
项目编号: No.20873156
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 武器工业
项目作者: 宋卫国
作者单位: 中国科学院化学研究所
项目金额: 36万元
中文摘要: 本项目围绕金属氧化物半导体作为气体传感器时在敏感材料表面发生的化学过程,即传感过程中气体在敏感材料上的催化反应和吸附脱附行为开展研究。研究内容包括构筑新颖形貌的金属氧化物半导体材料,并将其与其他功能材料复合,得到高性能的敏感材料;通过研究传感过程中的化学吸附和催化反应来探索传感材料响应和失效的化学机理,以及催化反应所产生的新化学物种对传感器信号的影响;通过被传感气体在敏感材料上的吸附脱附动力学过程,开发主动鉴别被传感物质的新方法。研究的创新点在于将传感分析过程当作化学过程来研究,用催化反应的方法测试气敏材料的敏感机理,包括气敏材料的活性、稳定性和选择性。项目研究中发表标注通讯作者论文9篇。
中文关键词: 传感分析;纳米材料;复合材料;半导体;催化
英文摘要: The present study of chemical problems in the sensing process are less , a lot of research has focused on the sensitive materials preparation and sensor construction. This project will around the metal-oxide semiconductor surface chemical processes occurring in the sensitive material as a gas sensor ,that is gases catalytic reaction on the sensitive material and the adsorption desorption behavior during sensing process. The study includes synthesis of metal oxide semiconductor material with particular morphologies, and make composite with other functional materials to obtain sensitive materials with excellent properties; study the sensing process in chemical adsorption and catalytic reaction to explore the sensing material response and failure the chemical mechanism , as well as new chemical species produced by the catalytic reaction on the sensor signal; Through the process of sensing gas sensitive materials on the adsorption desorption kinetics, development of the initiative to identify new methods of sensing material. The study of innovation lies in the sensing analysis as a chemical process to study the sensing mechanism of the catalytic reaction test gas sensing materials , including activity, stability and selectivity of the mechanism of gas sensing materials for the development of sensitive materials to provide directional guidance; learn from the chromatographic analysis of the principle of the sensing process of adsorption and desorption kinetics information to proactively identify to be sensing material .
英文关键词: sensing analysis; nanomaterials; composites;semi-conductor; catalysis