项目名称: 基于多元数据分析的城市开放空间声景品质景观影响要素提取与评价
项目编号: No.51508101
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 刘江
作者单位: 福州大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 多学科的声景研究为声景的评价和设计提供了反映声源、使用者、空间和环境等因素特征的多元化信息,但作为景观的声学属性,声景与景观的内在联系还有待深入研究。本项目选取不同类型的城市开放空间,从客观与主观两个层面探讨影响声景品质的景观要素。(1)基于多个样点上典型声景录音以及高分辨率遥感影像数据,选取相应指标获取声景及景观的客观属性信息,采用统计分析的方法识别影响声景客观属性的景观要素;(2)选取针对典型声源、总体声景、景观视觉与功能特征、以及总体环境特征的评价指标,通过大规模公众调查,获取样点上声景与景观的主观感受信息,结合同步录音数据及样点全景照片的分析,采用统计分析方法辨识影响声景主观感受的景观要素。在此基础上,构建城市开放空间声景品质的景观影响要素评价指标体系。本项目的实施对揭示声景与景观的内在联系、拓展景观规划设计的内涵,以及促进声景设计与景观规划设计的结合具有重要的理论和实践意义。
中文关键词: 声景;景观;多元数据;指标体系;城市开放空间
英文摘要: The multi-disciplinary soundscape research provided various information reflecting the characteristics of sound sources, users, space and environment that related to evaluation and design of soundscapes. However, as the acoustic properties of landscape, the intrinsic relationship between soundscape and landscape has not been fully revealed. Focusing on urban open spaces, the project plans to study on the landscape effets on soundscape quality from both objective and subjective perspectives. (1) Based on the soundscape recordings on different sample sites and the regional high-quality remote sensing images, objective soundscape and landscape information will be extracted by several indicators, and their relationships will be studied by statistical analysis to detect the landscape factors that affect soundscape attributes. (2) By large scale public investigation, subjective soundscape and landscape information will be acquired by indicators of certain sound sources, total soundscapes, visual and functional landscape characteristics, and total environment; combined with analysis of the synchronous soundscape recordings and panoramic photos on the sameple sites, the landscape factors affecting soundscape perception will be extracted by different statistical methods. On this basis, a landscape indicator system of soundscape quality in urban open spaces will be build. The project shows theoretical and practical significance in terms of revealing the relationship between soundscape and landscape, expanding the connotation of landscape planning and design, and promoting combination of soundscape design with landscape planning and design process in urban open spaces.
英文关键词: soundscape;landscape;multivariate data;indicator system;urban open spaces