项目名称: 支持新产品快速设计的复杂产品系统功能模块化方法
项目编号: No.51505480
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 李玉鹏
作者单位: 中国矿业大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 功能模块化可有效支持复杂产品系统的新产品快速设计,但现有方法大都针对功能、结构标准化程度较高的大规模定制产品,对于具有高度复杂性和深度耦合性的复杂产品系统的功能模块化,尚缺乏有效的理论方法支持。针对此类问题,本项目将开展支持新产品快速设计的复杂产品系统功能模块化方法研究,包括功能模型构建、模块划分、划分方案评价、原型系统开发和实例验证。项目创新点为:(1)基于权重有向复杂网络社区发现方法和随机游走理论实现功能模块划分,边的权重和方向分别用于描述功能元间的功能流强度和方向,方法兼顾了功能元间功能流强度和方向的定量化,可有效处理复杂产品系统的高度复杂性和深度耦合性;(2)提出了基于多属性群决策理论的模块划分方案评价方法,采用混合模糊理论处理定性指标评价中的模糊性和犹豫性,采用多准则妥协解排序法获取最终的模块划分方案,并据此建立模块化功能结构,为实现复杂产品系统的快速设计奠定基础。
中文关键词: 复杂产品系统;新产品设计;功能模块化;模块划分;设计决策
英文摘要: The function modularization could effectively support the new product-rapid development of complex products and systems (CoPS).Nevertheless, the available function modularization approaches mainly focus on the mass customization products with high standard functions and components. Research on the function modularization for CoPS that is always highly complex and deeply coupled is insufficient. Toward this end, this project intends to study the function modularization technique promoting the new product-rapid development of CoPS, including function modeling, function module partition, module partition schemes evaluation, prototype decision support system development and case study. The innovation points of this project are: (1) The community detection of weighted and directed complex network and random walking theory are introduced to the function module partition process, the weight and direction of the edge is used to characterize the correlation intension and direction of the function flow between function elements; this approach gives consideration to both the quantification of function correlation intension and function flow direction, and could deal with the high complexity and deep coupling of CoPS. (2) The module partition schemes evaluation approach based on multiple attributes grouping evaluation theory is presented, the fuzziness and hesitation in the quantification process for qualitative indices are disposed by multiple fuzzy theory, the VIKOR method is established to obtain the final module partition scheme, according to which, the function module structure is constructed to support the rapid development of CoPS.
英文关键词: complex products and systems;new product development;function modularization;module partition;design decision making