项目名称: 基于结构特性的数字地图多尺度表达研究
项目编号: No.41471383
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李志林
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 95万元
中文摘要: 城市化和信息化的快速推进对空间数据更新提出了新要求。空间数据通常以地 图形式表达,加快地图数据更新的技术之一是地图数据多尺度表达的自动化,即能从一个经 常更新的大比例尺地图,通过地图综合自动生产任意小比例尺地图。Al Gore 在1998 年提出的数字地球的设想也要求实现地图和影像数据连续尺度自动表达,但Google Earth 和我国天地图都采用若干比例尺而未实现任意比例尺。本研究针对现有方法仅考虑地图的几何、拓扑或专题信息,而忽略了地图最基本的结构信息、从而未能兼顾地图要素全局与局部结构特征的不足,拟利用最新的复杂网络理论与方法,从复杂性、紧凑性及异质性角度深入分析地图结构特性,有效构建包括结构分形维、结构信息熵等在内的较完整的地图结构信息度量指标体系,揭示地图结构信息量随比例尺变化的规律,建立一套基于结构信息量的多比例尺地图表达方法,为地图生产与更新及网络地图服务提供技术支撑。
中文关键词: 多尺度表达;数字地图综合;结构特性;复杂网络;结构信息
英文摘要: Multiscale representation of spatial data has long been a research topic in cartography and geo-information science. In cartography, it has been advocated that only a single detailed database (or a few databases) should be updated frequently and maps at any other scales are then be automatically produced through a process called generalization. In fact, the digital earth initiated by Al Gore in 1998 also demands a zomming function, i.e. map data and image data being represented at continuous scales automatically. However, Google earth and other systems can only make use of image and map data at a number of fixed scales. This project aims to make a step forward to the contious. As said, generalization is a key process in the multi-scale representation and selection of features to retain is the first step in generalization. Existing approaches usually only take into consideration the geometric, topologic and thematic information of a map or map elements but not structural information. However, to have the structural characteristics of a map retained is the fundamental requirement of map generalization. Also there is a lack of sound measures for the global and local structural characteristics of maps for evaluation purpose. To deal with these challenges, the theory and methodology of complex network analysis is introduced as the complex network analysis has been providing novel and powerful tools for uncovering the structural properties of various real-life networks. In this project, an abstract graph or network of a given map is firstly constructed based on Voronoi diagram, then the structural properties of the graph are modelled from the aspects of complexity, compactness and heterogeneity in network structure. A relatively complete index system is developed to quantitatively describe the structural properties of a map, based on which, the variation of structural information with scale can be discovered. Finally, adaptive selective omission of map features can be carried out with the consideration of the structural information of map features and map as a whole. This project will contribute to the development of multi-scale representation with continuous scale variation, to provide techcology for automated digital map updating and web map service.
英文关键词: multiscale representation;digital map generalization;structural characteristics;complex network;structural information