项目名称: 豫西中寒武世机会遗迹群落及沉积环境制约
项目编号: No.41502106
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 王敏
作者单位: 河南理工大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 寒武纪生态环境极其适合机会种生物迅速占领生态域,在特定的沉积环境下留有特色的机会遗迹化石。机会遗迹群落是在某种恶劣生态环境中由机会生物群落产生的遗迹化石组合,能很好的指示某种特殊的环境,为研究机会生物与沉积环境之间的关系提供了理想材料能。本项目以豫西中寒武世机会遗迹群落为研究对象,在系统的沉积学与遗迹学研究基础上,通过详细分析机会遗迹化石的构造和保存特征、个体遗迹学参数分析,对机会遗迹化石的行为习性做出合理的解释,结合沉积学相关参数:古水深、古氧相、古盐度、古气候等,讨论机会遗迹化石的古生态学意义,建立机会遗迹群落和沉积环境之间的对应关系,揭示豫西中寒武统机会遗迹群落的沉积环境控制因素及机会造迹生物应对恶劣环境的所采取的机会策略。本研究不仅丰富了寒武纪机会遗迹学的研究,更为寒武纪中期底栖生物的行为习性演化及生物辐射的古环境特征提供重要素材。
中文关键词: 沉积环境;寒武纪;河南;遗迹群落;机会遗迹化石
英文摘要: Cambrian ecological environment is very suitable for the opportunistic organisms, which are nonspecialized r-selected animals and typically adapted to environments of high physiological stress. Opportunistic organisms produce distinctive trace fossils under specific sedimentary environments. So, the study of opportunistic ichnocoenoses can provide very important information between opportunistic organisms and sedimentary environments. Detailed analysis of both the sedimentological and ecological parameters of bioturbation at all scales provides a basis for the description and interpretation of an opportunistic ichnocoenoses. This project will focus on the middle Cambrian opportunistic ichnocoenoses in western of Henan Province. The ethology is discussed in the basis of the structures and preservation of trace fossils, and individual trace fossil parameters. Then, combine with the sedimentary environmental control factors to explore the paleoecological significance. The corresponding relations between opportunistic ichnocoenoses and sedimentary environments are established to reveal the sedimentary factors restricting the opportunistic ichnocoenoses and how the r-strategistis adapted to the harsh habitats. This study not only enriches the Cambrian ichnology, but also provides important materials for reveal the ethological evolution and biological radiation in the middle Cambrian.
英文关键词: Sedimentary environment;Cambrian;Henan Province ;Ichnocoenoses;Opportunistic trace fossils