项目名称: 交联型发光聚合物薄膜的电化学制备及微腔激光稳定性研究
项目编号: No.51503196
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 吕营
作者单位: 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 实现电泵浦有机固态激光(OSLs)是有机光电领域的重要挑战。主要困难之一是电泵浦OSLs所需的阈值电流密度高,而有机半导体材料普遍存在高电流密度下热稳定性差的问题。如何获得兼具低阈值和高稳定性的有机激光材料,是OSLs发展的关键。构筑交联网络结构被认为是在根本上提高有机材料稳定性的方案。鉴于电化学聚合(EP)技术在交联薄膜制备上的潜力和微腔效应在降低材料阈值方面的优势,本项目首次提出开展交联型发光聚合物薄膜的电化学制备及微腔激光稳定性研究。主要涉及电活性有机激光材料的设计合成,交联发光薄膜的可控EP制备及微腔激光稳定性研究,力争获得低阈值、高稳定性的OSLs。本项目研究结果,将为高稳定性有机激光材料和器件的设计提供参考。
中文关键词: 交联聚合物;电化学;有机激光;稳定性;微腔
英文摘要: Electrically pumped organic solid-state laser (OSLs) is an important challenge to an organic optoelectronic field. One of the main difficulties of electrically pumped OSLs is the high threshold current density, while organic semiconducting materials at a high current density generally suffer from poor thermal stability. How to get the organic laser material with both low threshold and high stability is the key to the development of OSLs. Constructing crosslinked network structure is considered to be the fundamental solution to improve the stability of the organic materials. Based on the potential of electropolymerization (EP) method in the preparation of crosslinked film and the advantage of microcavity effect in reducing the lasing threshold, this project proposes for the first time to studies on the electrochemical preparation and microcavity lasing stability of cross-linked, luminescent polymer films. The project mainly involves design and synthesis of electroactive organic lasing materials, control preparation of cross-linked luminescent by EP and study on the stability of microcavity lasers, striving to achieve low threshold, high stability OSLs. The research results from this project will provide a reference for the design of high performance lasing materials and devices.
英文关键词: cross-linked polymer;electrochemistry;organic laser;stability;microcavity