项目名称: 釉原蛋白Exons 8和9联合编码多肽促进口腔黏膜创伤愈合的机制研究
项目编号: No.81500865
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 黄宇蕾
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 18万元
中文摘要: 口腔黏膜慢性延迟愈合创口致伤因素多、机制复杂,探寻新的促愈合分子及其作用机理十分必要。申请人课题组前期从鼠类釉原蛋白mRNA的3’端发现两个新的 exons(exon 8和 exon 9)具有高度进化保守性,其联合编码多肽可促进牙髓牙本质修复。进一步研究发现该多肽亦可促进人口腔上皮细胞增殖和分化,提示其有促进口腔黏膜愈合的潜能,其作用机制未明。经蛋白功能域软件预测,该多肽含激活MAPK信号通路的关键序列。综上,我们提出科学假说:釉原蛋白 exons 8和9联合编码多肽通过激活MAPK通路促进口腔黏膜创伤愈合。本项目拟通过人口腔黏膜上皮细胞体外实验和大鼠口腔黏膜创伤模型,研究釉原蛋白 exons 8和9联合编码多肽对口腔上皮细胞增殖、分化、粘附、迁移等生物学行为的影响,并探讨其通过MAPK途径作用的机制,为釉原蛋白 exons 8和9联合编码多肽临床应用提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 釉原蛋白Exons;8和9;口腔黏膜创伤愈合;MAPK;信号通路
英文摘要: The traumatic factors and mechanisms of oral mucosal wound hard to heal are complicated. Exploring new biological agents and their mechanisms are very necessary. We identified two additional exons, exons 8 and 9, at the 3' end of the amelogenin gene. They are highly conserved during evolution. Amelogenin exons 8 and 9 coded peptide enhanced dental pulp repair. Moreover, These two exons coded peptide promoted oral epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation in vitro, suggesting its potential in oral mucosal wound healing, and its mechanism remains unknown. There are two motifs related to the activation of MAPK signal pathway in amelogenin exons 8 and 9 coded peptide tested on the website http://elm.eu.org. In conclusion, we hypothesize that amelogenin exons 8 and 9 coded peptide can promote oral mucosal wound healing by activating MAPK signal pathway. We plan to analyze the effects of amelogenin exons 8 and 9 coded peptide on oral epithelial cell biological behaviours in vivo and in vitro, and explore its mechanism mediated by MAPK signal pathway.
英文关键词: Amelogenin exons 8 and 9;Oral mucosal wound healing ;MAPK signal pathway