项目名称: 钒酸铜/导电聚合物同轴纳米电缆的可控制备及电化学性能研究
项目编号: No.21303107
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 张绍岩
作者单位: 石家庄学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 层状结构的钒酸铜由于具有较高的理论容量以及良好的动力学性能,在锂一次电池及二次电池中具有潜在的应用价值。实际应用中,由于电导率低以及循环过程中结构变化,导致钒酸铜的循环寿命及倍率性能并不理想。本项目拟通过化学氧化聚合技术将导电聚合物包覆于钒酸铜一维纳米材料表层,构筑起钒酸铜/导电聚合物同轴纳米电缆的新颖结构。利用导电聚合物形成的壳层有效提高钒酸铜材料的导电性能,减小循环过程中钒酸铜材料的结构破坏及副反应的发生,同时结合两种材料间的协同效应,可有效提升钒酸铜材料的循环寿命和倍率性能。将系统研究制备条件对目标材料的包覆结构、组成及导电率的影响关系,明确同轴纳米电缆材料的储锂机理,揭示材料的化学组成、微观结构、异质界面与其电化学性能间的关系,为新型高性能锂离子电池电极材料的设计与开发提供理论基础和实验依据。
中文关键词: 钒酸铜;导电聚合物;电缆结构;协同效应;电化学性能
英文摘要: Layered copper vanadates have received much attention as potential cathode materials for primary and secondary lithium batteries owing to their high theoretical capacities and excellent kinetics. But in practice, copper vanadate cathode materials still have some disadvantages such as low conductivity, fast capacity fading and poor rate capability. In the project, the copper vanadate/conductive polymer coaxial nanocables will be constructed by chemical oxidative polymerization. The conductive polymer shells can not only provide a conducting backbone for copper vanadates, but also can decrease the structure degradation and unwanted reactions during cycling. In addition, the coaxial nanocables can exhibit new properties by the synergistic effects. The Li-ion intercalation mechanism and electrochemical properties of the coaxial nanocables will be investigated in detail.The relationship between their composition, structure, morphology and electrochemical properties will be further studied. This work opens a new route for the performance improvement of rechargeable lithium battery.
英文关键词: Copper Vanadates;Conductive Polymer;Cable-like Structure;Synergistic Effects;Electrochemical Properties