项目名称: 13C标记LA对贵州黑山羊瘤胃CLA合成影响的生物机制研究
项目编号: No.31460618
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 畜牧学与草地科学
项目作者: 韩勇
作者单位: 贵州省农业科学院
项目金额: 47万元
中文摘要: 大量研究证明,CLA对人体健康有诸多益处。CLA主要来源于反刍动物产品,反刍动物瘤胃溶纤维丁酸弧菌是合成CLA的主要菌株。本项目在申报人博士论文已经证明高LA日粮能显著提高山羊瘤胃、血清和肌肉中CLA含量的基础上,首先假设LA通过覆盖或进入瘤胃溶纤维丁酸弧菌细胞,从而导致其细胞代谢、细胞完整性及亚显微结构发生变化,影响其LA异构酶分泌能力,进而影响瘤胃CLA合成;其次假设LA通过影响瘤胃溶纤维丁酸弧菌数量来改变LA异构酶浓度,进而影响瘤胃CLA合成。项目以肉质优良的贵州黑山羊作为试验动物,将同位素示踪技术、扫描透视电镜技术、固体核磁13C NMR以及现代细胞生物学技术等先进技术与经典动物营养研究方法有机结合,从细胞生物学水平系统研究LA对山羊瘤胃CLA合成的影响机制,从而论证项目提出的假设,为通过日粮营养调控途径开发高CLA贵州黑山羊肉产品提供理论支撑。
中文关键词: 共轭亚油酸;亚油酸;13C标记;生物机制;贵州黑山羊
英文摘要: Numerous studies have demonstrated that CLA is helpful on human health.CLA is derived from the ruminant products, its butyrivibrio fibrisolvens to biohydrogenate LA into CAL. The applicant have demonstrated in the dissertation that a high LA ration improves CLA in rumen,serum,and meat in goats significantly, therefore, the first hypothesis about LA coating or get into a butyrivibrio fibrisolvens cell,result in changing of the cell metabolism,and also integrality, and will affects activity of LA heterogeneous enzymes,and will affects CLA content in the rumen is raised. Secondly, we propose LA affects the amount of butyribibrio fibrisolvens,result in changing of actibity of LA heterogeneous enzymes,and will affects CLA content in the rumen.The study will be carry out in Guizhou black goats that has good meat quality, some advanced techniques, such as isotope tracer technique, electron microscope scanning perspective technique, solid-state nuclear magnetic and the techniques for cell biology will be used to confirm the proposed mechanism in the study. The relusts of the study will provide a theoretical model for development high CLA meat using a diet nutrition regulation method in Guizhou black goats.
英文关键词: CLA;LA;13Cmarker;biology mechanism;Guizhou black goats