引言 Introduction (30 minutes)
Recommender Systems and the role of content
Content representation: issues and challenges
Towards accountable recommender systems
Reproducibility and Replicability issues
Frameworks for advanced content representations and accountability
用于内容表示的语义感知技术 Semantic-aware techniques for content-representations (1 hour)
Basics of Content Representation
Encoding Exogenous Semantics
Linked Open Data and DBpedia
Entity Linking
Encoding Endogenous Semantics
Distributional Semantic Models
Word Embedding Techniques
Contextualized Word Representations
ClayRS: a Python framework for content representation and reproducibility in recommender systems (1.30hour)
Architecture of the framework
Focus on the Content Analyzer Module + Hands-on session
TF-IDF and data pre-processing
Word Embedding Techniques and Contextualized Word Representations
Entity Linking
Focus on the Recommendation Module + Hands-on session
Strategies based on Neighborhoods
Strategies based on Neural Networks
Strategies based on Graphs
Focus on the Evaluation Module + Hands-on session
Focus on the Configuration Files and Graphical User Interface + Hands-on session
后台回复“E148” 就可以获取《【ACM UMAP 2022 】可复现推荐系统的语义感知内容表示,148页ppt》专知下载链接