In our 24th year, MMM is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners for sharing new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all MMM related areas. The conference calls for full research papers reporting original research and investigation results, as well as demonstration proposals, in all areas related to multimedia modeling technologies and applications. Moreover, special sessions will be held, representing a wide variety of topics of current interest and importance. Last but not least, MMM 2018 also host the popular Video Browser Showdown.
NDSS 2018
ISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium fosters information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security. The target audience includes those interested in practical aspects of network and distributed system security, with a focus on actual system design and implementation. A major goal is to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of available security technologies. Technical papers and panel proposals are solicited. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and accepted submissions will be published by the Internet Society in the Proceedings of NDSS 2018. The Proceedings will be made freely accessible from the Internet Society webpages. Furthermore, permission to freely reproduce all or parts of papers for noncommercial purposes is granted provided that copies bear the Internet Society notice included in the first page of the paper. The authors are therefore free to post the camera-ready versions of their papers on their personal pages and within their institutional repositories. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and requires prior consent.
PPoPP 2018
ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
全文截稿: 2017-08-25
开会时间: 2018-02-24
会议难度: ★★★★★
CCF分类: A类
会议地点: Vienna, Austria
PPoPP is the premier forum for leading work on all aspects of parallel programming, including theoretical foundations, techniques, languages, compilers, runtime systems, tools, and practical experience. In the context of the symposium, “parallel programming” encompasses work on concurrent and parallel systems (multicore, multi-threaded, heterogeneous, clustered, and distributed systems; grids; datacenters; clouds; and large scale machines). Given the rise of parallel architectures in the consumer market (desktops, laptops, and mobile devices) and data centers, PPoPP is particularly interested in work that addresses new parallel workloads and issues that arise out of extreme-scale applications or cloud platforms, as well as techniques and tools that improve the productivity of parallel programming or work towards improved synergy with such emerging architectures.
Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to): -Compilers and runtime systems for parallel and heterogeneous systems -Concurrent data structures -Development, analysis, or management tools -Fault tolerance for parallel systems -Formal analysis and verification -Libraries -Middleware for parallel systems -Parallel algorithms -Parallel applications and frameworks -Parallel programming languages -Parallel programming theory and models -Parallelism in non-scientific workloads: web, search, analytics, cloud -Performance analysis, debugging and optimization -Programming tools for parallel and heterogeneous systems -Software engineering for parallel programs -Software for heterogeneous architectures -Software productivity for parallel programming -Synchronization and concurrency control
NOMS 2018
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
全文截稿: 2017-09-05
开会时间: 2018-04-23
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
会议地点: Taipei, China
The 16th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2018) will be held 23‐27 April 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan. Held in even‐numbered years since 1988, NOMS 2018 will follow the 30 years tradition of NOMS and IM as the primary IEEE Communications Society's forum for technical exchange on management of information and communication technology focusing on research, development, integration, standards, service provisioning, and user communities. The theme of NOMS2018 will be Towards Cognitive Management in a Cyber World, presenting recent, emerging approaches and technical solutions for dealing with management of Fixed Networks, Mobile Networks, Clouds, and Vertical Systems (e.g., smart cities and smart transportations, etc.) in order to enable convergence of the networked services. NOMS 2018 will offer various types of sessions: keynotes, technical, experience, demo, tutorial, poster, panel, and dissertation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: -Smart Vertical Systems in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era -Software‐Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) -Technologies Enabling Smart Management -Security Management -Network Management & Operational Experience -Service Management -Functional areass -Methodologies for Network Operations and Management -Management approaches
PerCom 2018
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
摘要截稿: 2017-09-15
全文截稿: 2017-09-22
开会时间: 2018-03-19
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: B类
会议地点: Athens, Greece
Research contributions are solicited in all areas pertinent to pervasive computing and communications, including: -Advances in pervasive systems and infrastructures: middleware systems and services; large-scale data management for pervasive computing; clouds, cloudlets, and fog computing; integrations of smartphones in pervasive experiences; applications of device-to-device coordination. -Theories, models, and algorithms: context modeling and reasoning; adaptive and context-aware computing; activity recognition; programing paradigms; applied machine learning; cognitive computing techniques. -Domain-specific challenges and novel applications: urban/mobile crowdsensing & intelligence; pervasive technologies for healthcare; cyber-physical pervasive computing; innovative pervasive computing applications. -Intersections of pervasive computing with: social networks; opportunistic networks; Internet of things; sensor networks; RFID systems; big data. -New techniques for user-level concerns : participatory and social sensing; trust, security, and privacy; user interface, interaction, and persuasion; social networking and pervasive computing. -Technological innovations: architectures, protocols, and technologies for pervasive communications; mobile and wearable computing systems and services; smart devices and intelligent environments; positioning and tracking technologies.
NSDI 2018
Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
摘要截稿: 2017-09-18
全文截稿: 2017-09-25
开会时间: 2018-04-09
会议难度: ★★★★★
CCF分类: B类
会议地点: Renton, USA
NSDI focuses on the design principles, implementation, and practical evaluation of networked and distributed systems. Our goal is to bring together researchers from across the networking and systems community to foster a broad approach to addressing overlapping research challenges.
NSDI provides a high-quality, single-track forum for presenting results and discussing ideas that further the knowledge and understanding of the networked systems community as a whole, continue a significant research dialog, or push the architectural boundaries of network services.
We solicit papers describing original and previously unpublished research. Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: -Highly available and reliable networked systems -Security and privacy of networked systems -Distributed storage, caching, and query processing systems -Energy-efficient computing in networked systems -Cloud/multi-tenant systems -Mobile and embedded/sensor applications and systems -Wireless networked systems -Network and workload measurement systems -Self-organizing, autonomous, and federated networked systems -Managing, debugging, and diagnosing problems in networked systems -Virtualization and resource management for networked systems -Systems aspects of networking hardware -Experience with deployed networked systems -Communication and computing over big data on networked systems -Practical aspects of economics and verification applied to networked systems -Any innovative solution for a significant problem involving networked systems