报名 | 多大清华首届人工智能创新论坛 :5月5日多伦多开幕

2018 年 4 月 25 日 机器之心


多大清华AI论坛(AI squared)是加拿大多伦多大学和中国清华大学两所名校首次举办的专业性论坛,也是两校合作计划中的第一年主题论坛,定于2018年5月3-5日在多伦多大学举行。作为两校创新创业论坛的一部分,北美清华校友会联合会将于5月5日(周六)举办北美清华校友AI论坛,由南安省清华校友会承办,IT 资深人协会和机器之心(Synced)协办。通过主题演讲及相关专题讨论、项目与技术展示等形式,为与会者尤其是从事AI领域研究、创业和工作的北美清华校友带来独特而丰富的体验与收获,提供难得的交流合作机会。

与业界专业性论坛不同,此次论坛得到了两所高校的大力支持,也充分动员了两校的师资力量。作为5年合作计划的第一年,多伦多大学作为主办方,选择了人工智能作为主题,也突出了该校在此领域无人可敌的地位和声誉。2017年Vector Institute的创立,把全球人工智能有识之士的目光再次聚焦到多伦多,当然也是把多伦多大学在AI领域的贡献推向了前台。通过论坛等形式的合作,两所中加著名大学都期待在不久的将来能产生实际的学术成果以及可观的经济和社会效益,同时推动两国在科技教育领域合作的全面发展。





Kang Lee

Kang Lee, PhD, Professor, OISE, University of Toronto, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Developmental Neuroscience, and Senior Scientist at the Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego. He is a co-inventor of the Transdermal Optical Imaging technology that uses a conventional digital video camera and deep machine learning to noninvasively image blood flows under the facial skin to reveal invisible psychological and physiological activities. He is a co-founder and Chief Science Officer of Nuralogix. 


Xiaoyan Zhu



Charles Ling

Charles Ling is a Tenured Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science, and Science Distinguished Research Professor, at University of Western Ontario. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. He obtained his Msc and PhD from University of Pennsylvania. He has published over 160 research papers in machine learning, many in top-tier journals and international conferences, with over 6,500 citations by Google Scholars. He is Founder and CEO of GoHealthNow, which creates a platform for diabetes care using data analytics and AI.  He is the Editor In Chief of CMC (Computers, Materials & Continua), an SCI Journal, and he is/was Associated Editor of IEEE TKDE, ACM TIST, and so on. 


Yu Wang

清华大学电子工程系长聘副教授,从事高能效电路与系统研究,发表论文200余篇,IEEE/ACM杂志文章40余篇;谷歌学术引用2600余次。担任ACMSIGDA E-News主编、Microecltronics Journal Special Issue Editor, IEEE TCAD、TCSVT编委,DAC等领域顶级会议技术委员会委员,ACM杰出演讲者,ACMFPGA技术委员会亚太地区成员。16年获得NSFC优秀青年基金。获得FPGA17、NVMSA17、ISVLSI12最佳论文,以及9次国际会议最佳论文提名。深度学习FPGA加速器在2016年知识产权转化入股北京深鉴科技有限公司(估值超10亿人民币),打造世界最先进的深度学习芯片与平台。

Song Han

Assistant Professor in MIT;  PhD in Standford; graduated from Tsinghua University; Specializing in energy-efficient deep learning at the intersection between machine learning and computer architecture.


Kehong Yuan



Hongqiang Zhao


Amit Deshwar

Research scientist at Deep Genomics; PhD in University of Toronto; Vanier Scholar and former Junior Fellow at Massey College; Previously worked at Google;  started two companies and obtained undergraduate degrees in Software Engineering and Psychology.

Nicholas Frosst

Nick Frosst is a research engineer working under Geoffrey Hinton in Google Brain Toronto. He is the 2nd author of the paper “Dynamic Routing Between Capsules”.  He holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Cognitive Science from U of T. During his time there he worked in computational vision with John Tsotsos at his York University lab and in the cognitive science department with John Vervaeke. He currently lives in Toronto and plays in GOOD KID, an indie rock band. 

Yang Xu

Assistant Professor in University of Toronto; graduated from University of Cambridge; Specializing in natrual language processing and cognitive science.

Narbe Alexandrian

In his role as Senior Associate at OMERS Ventures, Narbe Alexandrian is responsible for researching and executing investment opportunities in the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) sector. 

OMERS Ventures is the venture capital arm of OMERS, one of Canada’s largest pension funds with over $77 billion in net assets. OMERS Ventures invests in North American technology companies with cheque sizes ranging from $0.5 million to $40 million.


Minglie Huang

清华大学计算机系副教授,博士生导师。研究兴趣主要集中在人工智能、深度学习、强化学习,自然语言处理如自动问答、人机对话系统、情感与情绪智能等。已超过50篇CCFA/B类论文发表在ACL、IJCAI、AAAI、EMNLP、KDD、ICDM、ACMTOIS、Bioinformatics、JAMIA等国际顶级和主流会议及期刊上。SCI他引近400次。曾担任多个国际顶级会议的领域主席或高级程序委员,如IJCAI2018、IJCAI2017、ACL2016、EMNLP2014/2011,IJCNLP 2017等,担任ACM TOIS、TKDE、TPAMI、CL等顶级期刊的审稿人。作为负责人或学术骨干,负责或参与多项国家973、863子课题、多项国家自然科学基金,并与国内外知名企业如谷歌、微软、三星、惠普、美孚石油、斯伦贝谢、阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度、搜狗、美团等建立了广泛的合作。获得专利授权近10项,其中2项专利技术授权给企业应用。

Tahseen Shabab

Tahseen has many years of cybersecurity consulting experience at the firms like IBM, RBC, Cisco, Government of Canada and more.He was also the lead developer of an Application Security Tool, IBM AppScan, which remains top 3 by Gartner today. Currently, Tahseen is the Founder Bibu Labs – A Cybersecurity Analytics startup leveraging AI algorithms to pinpoint obscure attacks while lowering false positives.

Jimoh Ovbiagele

Jimoh Ovbiagele is the Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of ROSS Intelligence. Before ROSS, Jimoh worked on developing technology to enable autonomous vehicles and software that can understand human language. This work led Jimoh to his initial idea for ROSS. Jimoh speaks around the world and provides commentary in The New York Times, Wired, Forbes, TechCrunch, and the Financial Times about artificial intelligence and technological innovation. A member of both the Forbes 30 Under 30 and the American Bar Association’s list of Legal Rebels, Jimoh is recognized among the top innovators in technology today.

Roland Memisevic

Roland Memisevic received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 2008 doing research on neural networks. He subsequently held positions as a research scientist at PNYLab, Princeton, as a post-doc at the University of Toronto and at ETH Zurich, and as junior professor at the University of Frankfurt. In 2012 he joined the MILA deep learning group at the University of Montreal as an assistant professor. Since 2016 he has been Chief Scientist at the Canadian-German AI startup Twenty Billion Neurons, which he co-founded in 2015. Roland was named Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) in 2015. His research interests are in deep and recurrent neural networks, in particular, as applied to video understanding.

Stephen Mackinnon

As the director of R&D in Cyclica inc, Stephen plans and prototypes new developments in the Ligand Express™ pipelines and provides custom solutions for academic and industrial partners. Stephen received his Honors, Co-op, B.Sc. from the University of Waterloo in Computational Biochemistry, with placements in biotechnology industry and prestigious academic labs. He then completed a Ph.D. through the University of Toronto’s Department of Biochemistry and the Hospital for Sick Children. Throughout his thesis research, he crafted several highly specialized algorithms and computational pipelines to systematically analyze protein-protein and protein-ligand molecular interactions in search of new biological insights.

Jackie Cheung

Dr. Cheung is an Assistant Professor at McGill University’s School of Computer Science. He obtained his PhD from the University of Toronto and joined McGill in 2015, where he co-directs the Reasoning and Learning Lab. His research group focuses on natural language processing (NLP), an area of artificial intelligence in which computational models of human languages such as English or French are built. The goal of this research is to develop computational methods for understanding text, in order to generate language that is fluent and appropriate in context. In the lab, they investigate statistical machine learning techniques for analyzing and making predictions about language. Several current projects include common sense reasoning, automatic text summarization, and adapting language across genres. Dr. Cheung is affiliated with the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), and is an Academic Advisor to Borealis AI.

Lei Xin

Lei Xin is the CTO of Bioinformatics Solutions Inc. Over the past 10 years, Lei dedicated to designing and implementing the algorithms of mass spectrometry data analysis for proteomics research. Lei improved the PEAKS denovo sequencing algorithm which now is still the golden standard of the industry. Lei also designed and implemented the PEAKS DB search engine which is one of top 3 search engines for proteomics research. Lei holds a bachelor’s degree in computational mathematics from Peking University and a Ph.D in bioinformatics from Western University. He now oversees the innovation project which use deep learning technology to analyse mass spectrometry data in BSI.






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在清华校友总会的支持下,北美清华校友会联合会(英文名称:NorthAmerica Federation of Tsinghua Alumni Associations)于2017年9月正式成立。联合会是由北美各地区清华校友会自愿组成的非营利、非宗教和非政治性联合团体,会员单位是北美各地区清华校友会。联合会旨在传承母校清华大学的文化;组织与协调跨北美地区的校友活动,促进北美各校友组织之间的交流与合作;支持和帮助北美各校友组织的发展,并通过北美各校友组织,为北美校友在生活、学习、工作和职业发展上提供帮助。网站:http://www.nathac.org

加拿大南安省清华大学校友会(Tsinghua Alumni Association of Southern Ontario Canada )迄今已有超过40年的历史。校友会最早由来自台湾新竹的清华校友于1972 年在多伦多创建,并于2004年9月30日在安大略省正式注册为非盈利组织。校友会旨在发扬“自强不息、厚德载物”的清华传统,全心服务在南安省地区学习、工作和生活的广大清华校友。目前在南安省地区的清华校友超过一千人,分布于学术、教育、金融、电子、信息、建筑、地产等多个行业。网站 :www.tsinghua-so.org

IT资深人协会(ACSIP) 于2006年在加拿大多伦多发起创立,是在加拿大注册的非盈利专业机构。协会旨在建立一个平台,把有相似背景和梦想的北美IT资深人士聚集起来,分享有效资源,包括技术、人力、关系、资金,并把零散资源集中起来形成一个较有影响力的群体,由这个群体去开拓更广阔的合作与资源。从小型的技术讲座到大型的名人演讲,从协助会员职业发展到鼓励会员求新创业,协会的规模和影响不断扩大,打造成为在北美风格独特和追求品质的非营利的专业组织。协会现有两千名注册会员,半数拥有10年以上工作经验,平均超过7年的海外工作经验。会员丰富的海外工作经历尤其是在IT领域的专业与权威性,使之有别于其他专业组织。网站 :www.acsip.org

机器之心 Synced 创立于 2014 年,是国内首家系统性关注人工智能的科技媒体。创办至今,始终坚持提供专业的、客观严肃的高质量学术及产业内容,向人工智能从业者及爱好者输出真正有价值的信息和知识,借助优质内容的力量来正确引导甚至影响人工智能行业的发展。机器之心Synced得到了国内外众多技术专家、科技公司高管和人工智能从业者的高度认可,并迅速发展成为国内人工智能信息服务领域最资深与活跃的机构。网站 :www.jiqizhixin.com



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