Special Section: Transferable neural models for language understanding
Language understanding, dealing with machine reading comprehension in various forms such as question answering, machine translation and language dialog, has been an aspiration of the artificial intelligence community, but has limited success until recently. Due to the success of deep neural networks, there is a resurgence of interest in research on deep neural networks applied to language understanding. The most recent research in language understanding aims to build deep neural network models that can be used for various language understanding tasks, such as paraphrasing, question answering, machine translation, spoken dialog, and text categorization. However, these models are (1) very data hungry – requiring large training data; (2) very task specific – hard to generalize the model for one task to other related tasks. To solve these problems, recently, transfer learning has been applied to language understanding. Transfer learning is a learning paradigm that aims to apply knowledge gained while solving one problem to a different but related problem. Transfer learning builds a neural model for one language understanding task with large training data, and then the model is retrained for another task with small training data.
IJCNN 2019 会议论文截止日期为 2018 年 12 月 15 日,录用通知日期为 2019 年 1 月 30 日。
请选择 Main research topic 为 S33 — Transferable neural models for language understanding。
若想进一步了解,请联系 Dr. Zhiwei Lin(z.lin@ulster.ac.uk)。
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