计算机 | ACNS 2020 9月份截稿国际会议信息6条

2019 年 6 月 12 日 Call4Papers

BlockSys 2019

International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems

全文截稿: 2019-09-01
开会时间: 2019-12-07
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Guangzhou, China
BlockSys’2019 is a research conference on the theory and practice of blockchain and trustworthy systems. The blockchain technology is transforming industries by enabling anonymous and trustful transactions in decentralized and trustless environments. As a result, blockchain technology and other technologies for developing trustworthy systems can be used to reduce system risks, mitigate financial fraud and cut down operational cost. BlockSys’2019 provides scientists and engineers from both industry and academia a platform to present their ongoing work, relate their research outcomes and experiences, and discuss the best and most efficient techniques for the development of blockchain and trustworthy systems.


CloudAM 2019

International Workshop on Cloud and Edge Computing, and Applications Management

全文截稿: 2019-09-01
开会时间: 2019-12-02
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Auckland, New Zealand
Cloud computing, virtualization technologies are currently have been generating substantial interest in the community, and it is anticipated that this interest will keep expanding with the emergence of edge computing infrastructures, such as Fog Computing. Cloud and edge infrastructures can work together to fulfill requirements from a variety of applications, composing the so-called Cloud Continuum to the edge. Clouds must provide appropriate levels of performance to large groups of diverse users, and those clouds are accessed through virtualized wide area networks, where edge/fog devices can act as a first layer of computing capacity closer to the user. Management systems are essential for that and thereby for the future success of the fog-cloud hierarchy. New systems, methods, and approaches for cloud and edge computing, virtualization and applications management are to be discussed at this workshop.



International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing

全文截稿: 2019-09-05
开会时间: 2020-01-12
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Sydney, Australia
The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (ICBDSC 2020) will take place in Sydney, Australia on January 12-15, 2020 as a workshop of ICSIM 2020.
The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the conference topic. It brings together academics, researchers and professionals in the field of Big Data and Smart Computing making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.


ICSIM 2020

International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management

全文截稿: 2019-09-05
开会时间: 2020-01-12
会议难度: ★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Sydney, Australia
The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that The 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (ICSIM 2020) will take place in Sydney, Australia on January 12-15, 2020.  
The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the conference topic. It brings together academics, researchers and professionals in the field of Software Engineering and Information Management  making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe.



International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS

摘要截稿: 2019-08-30
全文截稿: 2019-09-06
开会时间: 2020-01-07
会议难度: ★★
CCF分类: 无
会议地点: Bengaluru, India
COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to advances in Networking and Communications Systems. The conference is a yearly event for a world-class gathering of researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, and business leaders, providing a forum for discussing cutting edge research, and directions for new innovative business and technology.

The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important and timely topics from well-known leaders in the field, and poster session of work in progress. Focused workshops and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and government leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, and will complement the technical program.

The conference will recognize one or more papers, demos, posters, and Graduate Student forum presentations with awards.


ACNS 2020

International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security

全文截稿: 2019-09-09
开会时间: 2020-06-22
会议难度: ★★★
CCF分类: C类
会议地点: Rome, Italy
The 18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2020) will be held in Rome, Italy on 22-25 June 2020. The conference will be organised by the Computer Security group at Sapienza University. The proceedings of ACNS 2020 will be published by Springer in the LNCS series.
ACNS is an annual conference focusing on current developments that advance the areas of applied cryptography and its application to systems and network security. The goal is to represent both academic research works as well as developments in industrial and technical frontiers.
The conference seeks submissions presenting novel research on all technical aspects of applied cryptography, cyber security (including network and computer security) and privacy. Submissions may focus on the modelling, design, analysis (including security proofs and attacks), development (e.g. implementations), deployment (e.g. system integration), and maintenance (e.g. performance measurements, usability studies) of algorithms, protocols, standards, implementations, technologies devices, systems standing in relation with applied cryptography, cyber security and privacy, while advancing or bringing new insights to the state of the art.  
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Access control  
Applied cryptography  
Automated security analysis  
Biometric security/privacy  
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies  
Cloud security/privacy  
Complex systems security  
Critical infrastructure  
Cryptographic primitives  
Cryptographic protocols  
Data protection
Database/system security
Digital rights management
Email, app and web security
Future Internet security
Human factors in security
Identity management
IP protection
Internet fraud, cybercrime
Internet-of-Things security
Intrusion detection
Key management
Mobile/wireless/5G security
Network security protocols
Privacy/anonymity, PETs
Security in e-commerce
Security in grid systems
Security in P2P systems
Security/privacy metrics
Trust management
Ubiquitous security/privacy
Usability in security/privacy

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ACNS:Applied Cryptography and Network Security。 Explanation:应用密码学与网络安全。 Publisher:Springer。 SIT: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/acns/
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