极市直播 | 大咖齐聚!山东大学“可视计算”学术专题报告

2020 年 7 月 14 日 极市平台
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| 极市线上分享  第61期 |

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时间:2020年7月17日 (周五)—2020年7月19日(周日)







报告人:陈宝权( 北京大学博雅特聘教授

摘要: 新冠疫情期间的社交距离加速了虚拟人和机器人服务,相关技术发展已经形成脉络体系,催生一个虚实融合的未来世界,人类、虚拟人、机器人都将共生其中。这听似科幻未来的背后,是以计算机图形学为核心,联合其他相关学科所形成的交叉学科体系,实现对现实世界的表象和规律的高逼真度模拟计算与真实感呈现,构成新一代人工智能发展的基础,推动新的社会变革。

讲座2:Hybrid 3D Representations for 3D Understanding


摘要:Choosing suitable data representations is one of the most critical topics when installing machine learning on 3D data. Instead of exploring a single representation, there is great potential in integrating multiple representations. Such hybrid representations exhibit advantages in uncertainty reduction, adaptative feature selection, and self-supervision, among others. This talk introduces several recent results in pose estimation, object detection, and 3D scene synthesis. In particular, we provide an analysis on the benefits of hybrid representations for over-parameterized neural networks.

讲座3:Novel network architectures for arbitrary image style transfer

摘要:Style transfer has been an important topic in both Computer Vision and Graphics. Since the pioneer work of Gatys et al. demonstrated the power of stylization through optimization in deep feature space, a number of approaches have been developed for real-time arbitrary style transfer. However, even the state-of-the-art approaches may generate insufficiently stylized results under challenging cases. Two novel network architectures are discussed in this talk for addressing the issues and delivering better performances.
We first observe that only considering features in the input style image for the global deep feature statistic matching or local patch swap may not always ensure a satisfactory style transfer. Hence, we propose a novel transfer framework that aims to jointly analyze and better align exchangeable features extracted from the content and style image pair. This allows the style features used for transfer to be more compatible with content information in the content image, leading to more structured stylization results.
Another observation is that existing methods try to generate stylized result in a single shot, making it difficulty to satisfy constraints on semantic structures in the content images and style patterns in the style images. Inspired by the works on error-correction, we propose a self-correcting model to predict what is wrong with the current stylization and refine it accordingly in an iterative manner. For each refinement, we transit the error features across both the spatial and scale domains and invert the processed features into a residual image.
讲座4:ETVIS2: Eye Tracking for Visualization and Visualization for Eye Tracking
报告人:Daniel Weiskopf斯图加特大学可视化研究中心(VISUS)联合主任

摘要:There is a growing interest in eye tracking as a research method and technology in many communities, including the visualization research community, but also in computer graphics, human-computer interaction, applied perception, psychology, or cognitive science. Progress in hardware and the reduction of costs for eye tracking devices have made this analysis technique accessible to a large population of researchers. Recording the observer’s gaze can reveal how dynamic graphical displays are visually accessed and which information are being processed. Such gaze information is available in real time so that eye tracking plays a role as a means of providing quick responses to user interaction and viewing behavior, supporting gaze-contingent displays and visualization. However, the analysis and visualization of spatiotemporal gaze data become challenging factors in this emerging discipline. I discuss the relationship between eye tracking and visualization from two angles: (1) How can eye tracking help understand how users work with visual interfaces, thus serving as a basis to improve computer-based visualization? (2) How can visualization facilitate the analysis of gaze recordings? I argue that it is useful to combine both perspectives, targeting VIS4VIS (visualization for visualization).

讲座5:Progressive data analysis: a new language paradigm for scalability in exploratory data analysis
报告人:Jean-Daniel FeketeINRIA科研负责人

摘要:Exploring data requires a short feedback loop, with a latency of at most  10 seconds because of human cognitive capabilities and limitations. When  data becomes large or analyses become complex, sequential computations  can no longer be completed in a few seconds and interactive exploration  is severely hampered. This talk will describe a novel computation  paradigm called Progressive Data Analysis that brings at the programming  language level the low-latency guarantee by performing computations in a  progressive fashion. Moving this progressive computation at the language  level relieves the programmer of exploratory data analysis systems from  i mplementing the whole analytics pipeline in a progressive way from  scratch, streamlining the implementation of scalable exploratory  analytics systems. I will d scrib e the new paradigm, report on novel  experiments showing that human can cope effectively with progressive  systems, show demos using a prototype implementation called  ProgressiVis, explain the requirements it implies through exemplar  applications, and present opportunities and challenges ahead, in the  domains of visualization, visual analytics, machine-learning, and databases.
讲座6:Uncertainty Visualization
报告人:Oliver Deussen德国康斯坦茨大学教授

摘要:The visualization of uncertainty is a challenging aspects of data visualization. A data point drawn in a specific location is most of the time interpret as a precise representation of the true data value; it is perceptually hard to indicate that it could also lie somewhere else. But almost all data sets incorporate uncertainty and variance and thus it is important to develop specific methods for uncertainty visualization. In my talk I will give some examples from flow visualization, traffic data, Biology and the stock market.



讲座8:The Flow of Knowledge: Applying Visualization Techniques in Communication and Collaboration

摘要:In our current fast-paced environment, people must collaborate to solve complex problems and make decisions. This is because the ever-growing amount of information requires more team members to divide and conquer data analysis tasks, and the increasing complexity of real-world problems demands diverse backgrounds of analysts. However, effective communication of ideas and insights remains challenging in these scenarios due to the gaps between the users and the systems. This talk discusses advanced visualization techniques for improving the effectiveness of expressing, sharing, and transferring knowledge in multi-user collaboration, using statistical models, visual representations, user interactions. In particular, this talk focuses on analyzing and visualizing user-generated content during investigative activities, such as diagrams, charts, and annotations, by promoting the interplay among data, models, and users.
讲座9:Scalable Visualization Systems for Broad Audiences

摘要:Two recent trends have brought opportunities and challenges in data visualization research. First, data are increasing in size and complexity across problem domains, demanding interpretable and performant visualization systems. In addition, more diverse users, such as scientists, analysts, journalists, and designers, need to work with data as an integral part of their jobs. They require visualization tools that offer low barriers of entry without sacrificing analytic or expressive power.
I will present research projects that address these two challenges from a human-centered perspective. To support exploratory analysis of large multivariate and event sequence datasets, I use perceptual and interactive scalability as the driving principle to propose new interaction techniques. To make visualization tools accessible to a broader range of users, novel visualization process models can power the design and construction of natural language interfaces and visualization authoring systems. These techniques and models lay the foundation for future research on enabling a fluid exchange of tools, designs and critiques in a visualization ecosystem.



讲座11:Face Disentangling
报告人:Daniel Cohen-Or以色列特拉维夫大学教授

摘要:Learning disentangled representations of data is a fundamental problem in artificial intelligence. Specifically, disentangled latent representations allow generative models to control and compose the disentangled factors in the synthesis process. In my talk, I will discuss the general disentangling problem and present two methods that disentangle face properties with different types of supervision. One that uses weak supervision to map between domains A and B, allowing for example, adding glasses to a face without glasses. The second method,  learns how to represent data in a disentangled way, with minimal supervision, allowing to successfully disentangle identity from other facial attributes.

讲座12:Generative Adversarial Networks and their Applications
报告人:Daniel Lischinski以色列希伯来大学教授

摘要:In this tutorial talk we will describe Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). We will start by explaining the motivation and the theory behind these networks, which are considered by some as one of the most important developments in Artificial Intelligence. Next we will survey some recent developments in GANs, including the recent exciting StyleGAN architecture.

讲座13:Deep learning for Nano-photonics
报告人:Andrei Sharf以色列本古里安大学副教授

摘要:Nanophotonics is devoted to the study of light-matter interaction at the subwavelength scale. During the last few decades, important fundamental advances combined with the spectacular progress of nanoscale fabrication methods have led to a broad range of innovations in nanophotonics, largely based on tailoring periodically structured materials to create 2D and 3D metasurfaces or metamaterials that exhibit extraordinary properties that cannot be found in nature. This includes advances in the fields of plasmonics, holography, artificial chirality and topological photonics. However, despite the many advances in this field, its impact and penetration in our daily life has been hindered by a convoluted and iterative process, cycling through modeling, nanofabrication and nano-characterization. The fundamental reason is the fact that not only the prediction of the optical response is very time consuming and requires solving Maxwell's equations with dedicated numerical packages.
Deep learning forward modelling i.e. how artificial intelligence learns how to solve Maxwell’s equations, is a  rapidly evolving research area which will be discussed in this talk.
A DL model is trained through non-linear activation functions and back propagation to intelligently learn the nonlinear relationships between the input and output values over a large dataset. In this way, a model is able to effectively “learn” Maxwell’s equations and how to solve them, without explicitly knowing them. This, in turn, allows for the possibility to discover solutions outside of the boundaries of the training data, and also the ability to transfer knowledge between problems. DL has been extremely successful in this area, with various models that can successfully predict the optical properties of nanophotonic
design. DL-based forward modelling also represents a key concept to understand subsequent advances on inverse design.

讲座14:Learning Neural Sparse Voxel Fields for Free-viewpoint Rendering

摘要:Photo-realistic free-viewpoint rendering of real-world scenes using classical computer graphics techniques is challenging. Recent studies have demonstrated promising results by learning 3D scene representations that implicitly encode both geometry and appearance without 3D supervision. However, existing approaches in practice often show blurry renderings or require time-consuming optical ray marching. I will talk about our recent work where a new neural implicit representation has been proposed for fast and high-quality free-viewpoint rendering. With this representation, our method can achieve 10 times faster at inference time than the state-of-the-art (namely, NeRF)  while achieving higher quality results. I will also demonstrate our results on various kinds of challenging tasks, including multi-object learning, free-viewpoint rendering of a moving human, large-scale scene rendering, scene editing and scene composition. Finally, I will talk about some challenges and opportunities in neural rendering that could be fun to solve in the near future.



讲座16:First and Last Mile Problems for Biomedical Image Analysis

摘要:Deep learning has greatly advanced the field of biomedical image analysis and enabled real-world healthcare deployment. Despite its success, behind the scene is the significant effort to curate the dataset and correct the remaining model prediction errors, which can be challenging for an average-sized biology lab or clinic. Unlike natural images, biomedical images are often diverse in appearance due to the tissue preparation and microscope parameters, hard to annotate, and demanding for prediction accuracy.
In this talk, I will present our three recent works from our group, aiming to facilitate the dataset annotation and automatic error correction process (CVPR'19, MICCAI'20, ECCV'20). I will first introduce the field of electron microscopy connectomics, aiming to reconstruct the brain at the nanometer resolution with a petabyte-level of data. To allocate the annotation budget, we developed a two-stream query suggestion model to use the unlabeled raw data to help find representative samples for annotation. To automatically detect and correct the 3D instance segmentation error, we used the skeleton representation to propose potential erroneous regions and incorporated the deep learning model with the multi-cut graph formulation to correct the error globally. Lastly, as an application, we build a 3D mitochondria instance segmentation dataset, 3,600x larger than previous benchmarks, revealing the new challenges for the field to develop more robust models.

讲座17:Design and Optimization of Conforming Lattice Structures

摘要:Inspired by natural cellular materials such as trabecular bone, lattice structures have been developed as a new type of lightweight material. Lattice structures possess exceptional mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties. The (mechanical) properties of lattices depend not only on the solid material of which struts are made but also on the topology and shape of struts. Especially since recent advances in additive manufacturing enable a cost-effective fabrication of lattices, there has been a growing interest in exploring the potential of lattices in engineering design.
In this talk, I will present a novel method to design lattice structures that conform with both the principal stress directions and the boundary of the optimized shape. Given design specifications including design domain and boundary conditions, the proposed method consists of two major steps: the first optimizes concurrently the shape (including its topology) and the distribution of orthotropic lattice materials inside the shape to maximize stiffness under application-specific external loads; the second takes the optimized configuration of lattice materials from the previous step, and extracts a globally consistent lattice structure by field-aligned parameterization. Our approach is robust and works for both 2D planar and 3D volumetric domains. Numerical results and physical verifications demonstrate remarkable structural properties of the generated conforming lattice structures.

讲座18:Carpentry Compiler

摘要:Traditional manufacturing workflows strongly decouple design and fabrication phases. As a result, fabrication-related objectives such as manufacturing time and precision are difficult to optimize in the design space, and vice versa. We present HL-HELM, a high-level, domain-specific language for expressing abstract, parametric fabrication plans; it also intro-duces LL-HELM, a low-level language for expressing concrete fabrication plans that take into account the physical constraints of available manufacturing processes. We present a new compiler that supports the real-time, unoptimized translation of high-level, geometric fabrication operations into concrete, tool-specific fabrication instructions; this gives users immediate feedback on the physical feasibility of plans as they design them. HELM offers novel optimizations to improve accuracy and reduce fabrication time as well as material costs. Finally, optimized low-level plans can be interpreted as step-by-step instructions for users to actually fabricate a physical product.



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