The questions related with Public Administration reforms have been subject to constant debate and reflection in the contemporary era, constituting the key element in understanding the construction of States and their relations with political, economic and social reality. The theme acquires particular relevance when, presently, there are reforms' attempts that do not always reach the expected results. In this context, are the previous administrative reform processes sufficient to explain the current characteristics of Public Administrations and their problems? Can they present themselves as essential for understanding the constraints and impasses that constitute the debate around the administrative reforms of the State? Can they present useful solutions?
Throughout the twentieth century, the theme of the Administrative Reform was of considerable importance at international level, being a global phenomenon to which Portugal was not immune. Around it, different concepts, practices, approaches and objectives have evolved, adapted to the time and space in which they developed. Also in line with the current conceptions of the role, functions and competencies of the State, as well as to the needs and goals of public administrations, up to the evolution of the Administrative Sciences and to the impact of the notions related to modernization and increasing of efficiency in administrative work. Also, the logic of action of some organizations, such as the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, the UN, the OECE/OCDE, with its regular congresses and round tables, study missions and technical assistance, contributed to international reflection on these subjects for their application adapted to national realities to publications and technics’ and consequent transfer of knowledge.
As pretext of commemorating the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Secretariat for Administrative Reform in Portugal (1967) is time to reflect on the national and international reforms that took place during the 20th century and aimed to make them more adapted to their objectives and needs.
In this way, the meeting seeks to constitute a moment of reflection on these issues, considering its multiple dynamics at national and international level, in a multidisciplinary perspective..
Thematic axes: - Functions of the State and Administrative Organization - Administrative evolution: continuities and reform process - Concepts, objectives and methodologies - Spaces, levels and actors - Colonials administrations - Exchange, Internationalization and transfer of knowledge.