护理学 | SCI期刊专刊截稿信息4条

2018 年 7 月 23 日 Call4Papers

Safety Science

Call for papers for the Special Issue in: “The history of safety legislation and the effectiveness paradigm: new approaches to regulatory analysis”

全文截稿: 2018-12-31
影响因子: 2.835
  • 大类 : 管理科学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 工程:工业 - 3区
  • 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science
The different pace and manner in which regulatory systems — both rules themselves, and “regulatory delivery”, including permitting, inspections and enforcement institutions and practices etc. — have developed differs strongly between countries and regulatory domains. Even considering countries with otherwise relatively similar trajectories of economic and social development, there are important variations in when regulations were introduced e.g. in food safety, occupational safety, environmental protection etc., when and how they were reinforced, when institutions were created for their “delivery” and with which resources, structures and methods etc.

These differences in timelines, approaches, structures etc. offer rich opportunities to investigate what drivers led to the introduction of regulations and institutions in the first place (e.g. emergence of new risks, or change in risk perceptions etc.), what factors shaped their ulterior development, how much today’s regulatory systems owe to their historical emergence.

In addition, the historical perspective may allow to shed some light on the vexing issue of regulatory effectiveness. Although it is very difficult to attribute specific results to the action of one or several regulators or inspectorates, one could look at whether the creation of a new institution and/or the introduction of new rules led to an inflexion in the trend of e.g. fatal injuries at work or fatal food-borne disease cases (both of which tend to decrease anyway due to technological and economic progress, but do so at varying speed). Alternatively, one could consider two or more countries having had different timelines and approaches to introduction and development of regulation in a given domain, and see if the trendlines of outcomes (e.g. fatal cases etc.) differ.

Safety broadly defined is one of the most important areas of regulation, when considering both the scope of regulated sectors (in particular in terms of employment) and perceived importance from citizens/consumers perspective (even more so if, to technological and industrial safety one adds e.g. product safety). It also involves a considerable number of regulatory bodies, large numbers of public officials, impacts international trade, and is highly relevant to economic development issues.

In this respect, investigating the history of the emergence of safety regulation and inspectorates would potentially yield useful lessons for the design and/or transformation of existing systems, and help give at least some elements of answers to the question of whether regulation actually delivers its intended outcomes and/or whether different regulatory approaches effectively yield different results.

To take a few examples, veterinary or occupational safety regulations and regulatory institutions were introduced several decades later in the Netherlands compared to Germany or France. An investigation of statistical data e.g. on fatal occupational accidents could allow to see whether this changed the trend in the Netherlands, and/or how much that trend differs from Germany’s or France’s. Another interesting case is that of the drastic change in occupational safety rules and controls introduced by the 1970 US OSH Act and subsequent creation of OSHA – again offering a potential inflexion point where trends can be considered “before” and “after”.

Safety Science is calling for papers that apply a historical perspective on safety regulation and regulatory delivery for a special issue of the Journal devoted to both the factors determining or shaping the introduction or transformation of safety regulation, and to the outcomes of such changes in terms of actual safety trends. This is envisioned to create the basis for a number of new research directions around drivers and factors of the emergence/evolution of regulation, and comparative effectiveness studies.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Historical context, drivers etc. for introduction and change in regulation and regulatory institutions

- Comparative study of different jurisdictions’ timelines, institutions, approaches for a same regulatory domain

- Investigation of effectiveness of different regulatory systems through comparative approach (changes in trends before/after, and/or comparing different jurisdictions).


Safety Science

Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Safety Science on “Resilient Health Care”

全文截稿: 2018-12-31
影响因子: 2.835
  • 大类 : 管理科学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 工程:工业 - 3区
  • 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science
Resilient Health Care (RHC) offers a comprehensive vision for the safety and quality of care, which focuses on the abilities that enable healthcare organisations to deliver safe care under varying conditions, in dynamic and changing environments. The field has developed quickly over the past decade, and is now increasingly being considered by healthcare organisations and policy makers as a key strategic platform to meet the challenges of modern health systems.

The aim of this special issue is to inform clinical practice, health policy, management and future research by presenting the latest empirical and theoretical developments around the implementation, evaluation, education and conceptual foundation of Resilient Health Care.

We welcome in particular original contributions that (a) provide empirical evidence about the implementation, sustainability and spread of RHC practices, (b) synthesise existing knowledge or provide empirical evaluation about the impact of RHC strategies, (c) discuss or assess educational approaches to promote RHC concepts; or (d) analyse models and methods for supporting RHC.

Topic areas include, but are not limited to:

- Empirical studies describing the implementation of RHC strategies in practice, e.g. how has RHC been integrated into clinical practice, what factors contribute to the sustainability and spread of RHC strategies?

- Evidence syntheses or empirical studies evaluating the impact of RHC strategies, e.g. what do we know from the literature about the impact of RHC in specific domains or settings?

- Empirical studies and conceptual contributions describing and evaluating educational practices for communicating and promoting resilient health care, e.g. which pedagogic approaches are suitable for a RHC curriculum?

- Examination or presentation of models, frameworks or methods of analysis of the foundations of RHC, e.g. what are suitable methods and models for RHC, what kind of evidence frameworks are suitable for RHC?


Safety Science

Call for papers for the special issue: Safety Analytics

全文截稿: 2019-03-30
影响因子: 2.835
  • 大类 : 管理科学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 工程:工业 - 3区
  • 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science
Today, leading industries/organizations world-wide collect a huge amount of safety related data and store them in their safety management systems (SMS). Further, the emergence of Industry 4.0 and the use of industrial internet of things (IIoT) have augmented the amount of data manifolds. However, keeping with the pace of data collection, there exists a lack of development and deployment of data-driven analytical tools and techniques for extraction of insightful knowledge that eventually helps in safety related decision making for accident prevention and mitigation.

The motivation behind the special issue is to synthesize new ideas, concepts, approaches, techniques, and deployment strategies on the theme “Safety Analytics”. We encourage original submissions that make significant contributions in the theory and practice of safety analytics and data-driven decision making.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Creation of safety analytics database

- IIoT and big data

- Safety data visualization and exploration

- Development of prediction models for predicting accidents/injuries/illnesses in workplaces

- Development of leading and lagging indicators

- Safety performance evaluation and monitoring

- Data driven risk control systems

- Analytics for prevention through design

- Data-driven accident causation modeling and practices

- Safety related decision making

- Safety education and training

- Behavioural and organization safety

- Maintenance analytics and safety


Safety Science

Call for papers for the Journal “Safety Science” Special Issue: The future of Safety Science

全文截稿: 2019-09-30
影响因子: 2.835
  • 大类 : 管理科学 - 2区
  • 小类 : 工程:工业 - 3区
  • 小类 : 运筹学与管理科学 - 3区
网址: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/safety-science
This Special Issue has a twofold aim:

- to attempt to identify the future of the science of safety and

- to attempt to identify the future of the Safety Science journal.

Occupational Safety started at the height of the industrial revolution (Swuste, 2010) as an engineering problem but increased industrialization of western societies and urbanization of industrial cities led to societal as well as occupational hazards. In turn safety became a social issue. The roots of safety science go back to the creation of the Chair of Social Hygiene in 1907 (Stoop et al, 2017). The discipline of Safety Science was established at TU Delft in 1978, based on interdisciplinarity, problem orientation and a systems approach (Stoop et al, 2017). Stoop et al (2017) describe chronologically, as well as constructively the process that led to the realization of interdisciplinarity of safety science.

Safety Science (the Journal), likewise, evolved over the years. Eisner (1976) in his first editorial of the first ever issue of Safety Science (then known as Journal of Occupational Accidents) wrote that: “We are striving for a balance between speculation and measurement, theory and experiment. Where, as here, theories are plentiful and hard facts few, it is perhaps inevitable that ideas that were already shop-soiled some years ago tend to be regurgitated from time to time”. Eisner (1991), in his last editorial describes the evolution of Safety Science in a wonderful manner: “Natural disasters apart, the prime cause is always man: risk maker or taker, designer or manufacturer, user or manager, builder or dweller, driver or passenger. Accordingly we see no reason and some advantage why we should not expand our remit to embrace the whole of human safety, not just that applying to work.” In a way, Safety Science and Safety Science (Journal) have followed a similar evolution. It has developed from a vehicle describing the physical processes leading to accidents to a vehicle researching the involvement of the human in this process.

Safety Science is in a transition period. A number of new challenges have arisen:

- Increased security issues;

- A number of impacts of the recent financial crisis to the safety of workers as well as to organizational safety systems;

- An increase in migration;

- A number of emerging risks;

- New ways of communicating risk.

And many other factors that either have emerged or have changed from the traditional ways that safety science was perceived.

This Special Issue aims to attain the two aims described in the beginning by including papers on:

- The history and evolution of safety science;

- Emerging risks in safety science;

- New models, processes and theories in safety science;

- Risk communication in a changing world;

- The influence of migration in safety.

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The science of better.
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