This study provides the first systematic, international, large-scale evidence on the extent and nature of multiple institutional affiliations on journal publications. Studying more than 15 million authors and 22 million articles from 40 countries we document that: In 2019, almost one in three articles was (co-)authored by authors with multiple affiliations and the share of authors with multiple affiliations increased from around 10% to 16% since 1996. The growth of multiple affiliations is prevalent in all fields and it is stronger in high impact journals. About 60% of multiple affiliations are between institutions from within the academic sector. International co-affiliations, which account for about a quarter of multiple affiliations, most often involve institutions from the United States, China, Germany and the United Kingdom, suggesting a core-periphery network. Network analysis also reveals a number communities of countries that are more likely to share affiliations. We discuss potential causes and show that the timing of the rise in multiple affiliations can be linked to the introduction of more competitive funding structures such as 'excellence initiatives' in a number of countries. We discuss implications for science and science policy.
翻译:2019年,近三分之一的文章是由具有多种联系的作者共同撰写的,而具有多种联系的作者所占的份额自1996年以来从10%增加到16%。 多个联系的增长在所有领域都很普遍,在影响较大的杂志中也比较明显。 多个联系的大约60%来自学术界内部的机构之间。 国际联合联系约占多个联系的四分之一,其中多数涉及来自美国、中国、德国和联合王国的机构,提出了核心的渗透网络。网络分析还揭示了更多可能分享联系的国家群体。我们讨论了多重联系增加的潜在原因,并表明多重联系的时机可能与引入更具竞争性的筹资结构有关,例如一些国家的“慈悲倡议”。我们讨论了科学和科学政策的影响。