This paper presents $\mathit{wChain}$, a blockchain protocol specifically designed for multihop wireless networks that deeply integrates wireless communication properties and blockchain technologies under the realistic SINR model. We adopt a hierarchical spanner as the communication backbone to address medium contention and achieve fast data aggregation within $O(\log N\log\Gamma)$ slots where $N$ is the network size and $\Gamma$ refers to the ratio of the maximum distance to the minimum distance between any two nodes. Besides, $\mathit{wChain}$ employs data aggregation and reaggregation, and node recovery mechanisms to ensure efficiency, fault tolerance, persistence, and liveness. The worst-case runtime of $\mathit{wChain}$ is upper bounded by $O(f\log N\log\Gamma)$, where $f=\lfloor \frac{N}{2} \rfloor$ is the upper bound of the number of faulty nodes. To validate our design, we conduct both theoretical analysis and simulation studies, and the results only demonstrate the nice properties of $\mathit{wChain}$, but also point to a vast new space for the exploration of blockchain protocols in wireless networks.
翻译:本文展示了$mathit{wchain} $mathit{wchain} 美元,这是专为多霍兹无线网络设计的一块链条协议,该协议在现实的SINR模式下深入整合无线通信特性和块链技术。 我们采用一个等级的打字器作为通信主干柱,以解决中等争议,并在$O(logN\log\Gamma)美元范围内实现快速数据汇总, 美元是网络规模, 美元Gamma$指的是两个节点之间最大距离与最小距离之比。 此外, $mathit{wchain} 使用数据汇总和重新聚合以及节点恢复机制, 以确保效率、 错误容忍度、 持久性和活性。 最坏的运行时间是$( f\log Nlog\log\Gamma) 美元, 其中, 美元是两个节点之间的最大距离与最小距离之比 。 此外,, 美元 美元 美元 和 美元 等 等 空间 协议 的结果也只能显示无线 。