The paper demonstrates the Windows data collectordevelopment process with the built back-end from the require-ments gathering stage till the implementation and testing phase.Each phase throughout the development life cycle of the systemis defined in details. The whole system idea and the objectivesbehind developing this kind of framework is described in earlierpapers that creates the importance of introducing the backgroundbefore reading this paper. The detailed information about thedata collector features that are provided and their appropriatetesting types, documentation are demonstrated thoroughly. Be-sides, the process of development includes both design and overallsystem architecture description.
翻译:本文展示了Windows数据收集员开发过程,从需求收集阶段到实施和测试阶段的后端已经建成。 系统整个开发生命周期的每个阶段都有详细定义。 之前的论文描述了整个系统的想法和开发这种框架的目标,从而产生了在阅读本文之前介绍背景的重要性。 所提供的关于数据收集员特征及其适当测试类型的详细信息,文件得到了透彻的展示。 此外,开发过程包括设计和总体系统结构描述。