Mendelian randomization is the use of genetic variants to assess the existence of a causal relationship between a risk factor and an outcome of interest. In this paper we focus on Mendelian randomization analyses with many correlated variants from a single gene region, and particularly on cis-Mendelian randomization studies which uses protein expression as a risk factor. Such studies must rely on a small, curated set of variants from the studied region; using all variants in the region requires inverting an ill-conditioned genetic correlation matrix and results in numerically unstable causal effect estimates. We review methods for variable selection and causal effect estimation in cis-Mendelian randomization, ranging from stepwise pruning and conditional analysis to principal components analysis, factor analysis and Bayesian variable selection. In a simulation study, we show that the various methods have a comparable performance in analyses with large sample sizes and strong genetic instruments. However, when weak instrument bias is suspected, factor analysis and Bayesian variable selection produce more reliable inference than simple pruning approaches, which are often used in practice. We conclude by examining two case studies, assessing the effects of LDL-cholesterol and serum testosterone on coronary heart disease risk using variants in the HMGCR and SHBG gene regions respectively.
翻译:门德罗随机化是使用遗传变体来评估风险因素和感兴趣结果之间因果关系的存在。在本文件中,我们侧重于使用单一基因区域许多相关变体的门德罗随机化分析,特别是使用蛋白质表达法作为风险因素的Cis-Mendelian随机化研究。这种研究必须依赖研究区域少量、包罗的变体;使用区域的所有变体需要颠倒条件不完善的遗传相关矩阵,并得出数字不稳定因果关系估计结果。我们审查Cis-Mendelian随机化中变量选择和因果关系估计方法,从分级和有条件分析到主要组成部分分析、要素分析和巴耶斯变量选择。在模拟研究中,我们发现各种方法在分析时具有与大量样本规模和强大遗传工具的相似性分析效果。然而,当怀疑仪器偏差时,要素分析和巴耶斯变量选择会比通常用于实践的简单精选方法产生更可靠的推力。我们通过研究两个案例研究,分别使用MG-CR-CR-Crystrostal 和SML-Cryal-Crogrocrostal 的Crystal-Crystal-Crystromstol-Crystol-Crystol-Crystol-Crystystroms) 和Smstromstal-Crystal-Crystal-Crog-Cryst-Crystal-Crystal-Crist-Crys-Crys-Crys-Cystration 和SLs-Crystystr-Crystals-Crystystr-Cs-Crystals-Crys-Cs)区域的影响。我们得出了两个的案例研究,我们最后两个的案例研究,我们最后两个的案例研究。我们得出的结论性研究了两个。我们得出的结论性研究两个。我们得出的结论性研究了两个性研究。我们得出的结论性研究,最后两个。我们得出的结论性研究,最后两个。我们得出的结论性研究。我们得出的结论性研究研究研究,最后。我们得出的结论性研究,最后和SDLDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDRDR-CRDRDRDRDR-CR-CR-C-C-C-C-C-C-C