This paper studies a novel reviewer-paper matching approach that was recently deployed in the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), and has since been adopted by other conferences including AAAI 2022 and ICML 2022. This approach has three main elements: (1) collecting and processing input data to identify problematic matches and generate reviewer-paper scores; (2) formulating and solving an optimization problem to find good reviewer-paper matchings; and (3) the introduction of a novel, two-phase reviewing process that shifted reviewing resources away from papers likely to be rejected and towards papers closer to the decision boundary. This paper also describes an evaluation of these innovations based on an extensive post-hoc analysis on real data -- including a comparison with the matching algorithm used in AAAI's previous (2020) iteration -- and supplements this with additional numerical experimentation.
翻译:本文件研究的是最近在第三十五届美洲航空学会人造情报会议(AAAI 2021)上采用的新颖的审查员-文件匹配方法,此后,其他会议,包括AAAI 2022和ICML 2022,也通过了这一方法。 这一方法有三个主要内容:(1) 收集和处理投入数据,以查明有问题的匹配,并生成审查员-文件评分;(2) 拟订和解决优化问题,以找到良好的审查员-文件比对;(3) 引入一个新颖的、两阶段的审查进程,将审查资源从可能被拒绝的文件转向接近决定界限的文件。本文件还描述了根据对真实数据的广泛事后分析对这些创新的评价,包括与AAI 以前的(2020年)迭代中所使用的匹配算法进行比较,并以额外的数字实验作为补充。