Learning to program an audio production VST plugin is a time consuming process, usually obtained through inefficient trial and error and only mastered after extensive user experience. We propose a white-box, iterative system that provides step-by-step instructions for applying audio effects to change a user's audio signal towards a desired sound. We apply our system to Xfer Records Serum: currently one of the most popular and complex VST synthesizers used by the audio production community. Our results indicate that our system is consistently able to provide useful feedback for a variety of different audio effects and synthesizer presets.
翻译:学习编程音频制作 VST 插件是一个耗时的过程, 通常是通过低效率的试验和错误获得的, 并且只有在广泛的用户经验之后才能掌握。 我们提议了一个白箱、 迭代系统, 为应用音效来将用户的音频信号转换为想要的音频信号提供分步骤的指示。 我们将我们的系统应用到 Xfer 记录 Serum: 目前是音频制作界使用的最受欢迎和最复杂的VST合成器之一。 我们的结果表明, 我们的系统始终能够为各种音效和合成器预设提供有用的反馈。