In this memorial tribute to Joe Gillis, who taught us that Special Functions count, we show how the seminal Even-Gillis integral formula for the number of derangements of a multiset, in terms of Laguerre polynomials, can be used to efficiently compute not only the number of the title, but much harder ones, when it is interfaced with Wilf-Zeilberger algorithmic proof theory.
翻译:在悼念乔·吉利斯(Joe Gillis)时,他教导我们特殊功能计数,我们展示了如何在与Wilf-Zeilberger的算法理论接轨时,利用以Laguerre 多元多义为术语的多变次数的具有开创意义的偶日-吉利斯综合公式,不仅有效计算标题数,而且更精确地计算标题数。