As the COVID-19 epidemic began to worsen in the first months of 2020, stringent lockdown policies were implemented in numerous cities throughout the world to control human transmission and mitigate its spread. Although transportation density reduction inside the city was felt subjectively, there has thus far been no objective and quantitative study of its variation to reflect the intracity population flows and their corresponding relationship with lockdown policy stringency from the view of remote sensing images with the high resolution under 1m. Accordingly, we here provide a quantitative investigation of the transportation density reduction before and after lockdown was implemented in six epicenter cities (Wuhan, Milan, Madrid, Paris, New York, and London) around the world during the COVID-19 epidemic, which is accomplished by extracting vehicles from the multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images. A novel vehicle detection model combining unsupervised vehicle candidate extraction and deep learning identification was specifically proposed for the images with the resolution of 0.5m. Our results indicate that transportation densities were reduced by an average of approximately 50% (and as much as 75.96%) in these six cities following lockdown. The influences on transportation density reduction rates are also highly correlated with policy stringency, with an R^2 value exceeding 0.83. Even within a specific city, the transportation density changes differed and tended to be distributed in accordance with the city's land-use patterns. Considering that public transportation was mostly reduced or even forbidden, our results indicate that city lockdown policies are effective at limiting human transmission within cities.
翻译:随着2020年头几个月COVID-19流行病开始恶化,全世界许多城市(瓦汉、米兰、马德里、巴黎、纽约和伦敦)都实施了严格的封闭政策,以控制人类传播并减缓其蔓延。虽然人们主观地感觉到城市内运输密度的减少,但迄今为止还没有对其变化进行客观和定量的研究,以反映城市内人口流动及其与封闭政策的相对关系,从遥感图像的观点和高分辨率在1米以下的高度分辨率来看,它们与封闭政策密切相关。因此,我们在这里对封锁之前和之后,全世界六个中心城市(瓦汉、米兰、马德里、巴黎、纽约和伦敦)实施了严格的封闭政策,以便在COVID-19流行病期间,通过从多时高分辨率遥感图像中提取车辆来实现。为图像专门提出了一个新颖的车辆探测模型,结合了未超强机动车辆候选人的提取和深度学习识别。 因此,我们的结果表明,在封锁之后,这六个城市内的运输密度平均减少约50%(和75.96% ) 。对运输密度下降政策的影响在城市内部也非常明显,因此城市内死亡率下降,而市内死亡率变化程度也很大。