The intelligent Data Delivery Service (iDDS) has been developed to cope with the huge increase of computing and storage resource usage in the coming LHC data taking. iDDS has been designed to intelligently orchestrate workflow and data management systems, decoupling data pre-processing, delivery, and main processing in various workflows. It is an experiment-agnostic service around a workflow-oriented structure to work with existing and emerging use cases in ATLAS and other experiments. Here we will present the motivation for iDDS, its design schema and architecture, use cases and current status, and plans for the future.
翻译:开发了智能数据提供服务,以应对即将到来的LHC数据采集过程中计算和储存资源使用量的大量增加。 iDDS设计的目的是明智地协调工作流程和数据管理系统,将数据预处理、交付和各种工作流程的主要处理工作脱钩,这是围绕一个注重工作流程的结构的实验性、不可知性服务,旨在处理ATLAS和其他实验中现有的和正在出现的使用案例。在这里,我们将介绍iDDS的动机、设计计划和结构、使用案例和现状以及未来计划。